Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hi peeps!
You're gonna want to watch this - it will make your day :)
Bye peeps!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I see the moon, the moon sees me

 Matthew's and my cool pics of Saturday night's super moon.....
wish I had remembered when it was lower in the sky, but I was still happy with these!

 It kind of kills me to admit this, but these last two - my favorites - are the ones Matthew took.....
I hope you all had a terrific weekend!
Goodnight, Moon :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

what doesn't belong

 so I'm standing in the garage where all the guys practice their music.....
standing where Davy's foot pedals are set up..... and what should catch my eye.....
 but a certain pair of red heels that look very out of place amidst all this musical equipment..... 
 I go into Matthew's room, and where does he decide to hang his hoodie? Um.....
 an all too familiar sight: various guitars, mandolin's banjos, what-have-you..... 
sitting in our chairs as if they are waiting for someone to turn the tv on for them.....
 if I didn't make my rounds every night to collect all the stray cups after everyone goes to bed.....
I fear that some day I would wake up and my house would be the subject of a Shel Silverstein poem..... 
Davy's kitty thinking she is the owner of MY brand new Mad Men chair :/
I'll give you 3 guesses who did this when I wasn't looking.....
my attempt at making angel food cake = EPIC. FAIL.
So friends... you may have noticed, I haven't been posting much. 
A crazy little thing called life has been demanding my time and most of my energy.
More specifically, I'm feeling like the life has been sucked right out of me.
I don't often have anything left for the little things I enjoy so much :/
I will be posting sporadically for a bit - just wanted to let you know.
Sending love to you all - xoxoxo