Wacky and Crazy Me ;)
Okay, okay, OKAY. I know I have the enthusiasm of a puppy but I can't help it. Dana from Charmed Designs TAGGED me! I know! I'm an infant in the blogging world and the Etsy world, and I have no idea what I'm doing. NONE. But bless Dana's heart, she tagged me anyway! So I get to post 7 wacky, crazy things about myself that none of you know. Can you even believe how lucky you are? I know! And then I tag 7 bloggers I admire, who have no idea that I'm breathing let alone following their blogs. So I guess we'll just see how THAT goes.....
* 7 random/weird facts about me
* 7 fave blogs and links to them
* contact the 7 so they know they've been tagged
* they tag 7 more and so on
1. I was on the Art Linkletter show when I was little. Something about getting tattled on when you wet your pants. Which I was always doing (wetting my pants). Wow, now that I think about it..... still doing.
2. I have the cutest feet EVER. Seriously. You wish you had my feet. My ankles, on the other hand, are awful. Tree trunk ankles. Horrid.
3. I love the weirdest smells. Warm dirt. The rubber tire smell in bicycle stores. Chlorine. A far away skunk smell. Luna's paws. Vinyl. The Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.
4. When I was 18/19 I studied in Israel for 6 months. I did everything from Climb Mount Sinai in Egypt to work at an Arabic orphanage in Bethlehem. It was way cool. I was way tan.
5. I'm opening my Etsy store wildchildarts! I don't care if this is a shameless plug. Check back often because I not only think I'm a writer, I'm convinced I'm a painter and a photographer too. Find out for yourself here. I'm just sayin'.
6. I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love my three boys.............. even though it's obvious there is something seriously wrong with them.

7. I'm over 40 now so I pretty much don't care what people think ;)

* Alicia from Posy Gets Cozy
* Pam from Housemartin
* Tracey from A Cottage Industry
* Erin from Elements of Style
* Christine from Lavender and Limes
* Sabina from Barefoot in the Orchard
* Ree from the Pioneer Woman
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