Maria. We have been friends for a long time - many years actually. We met when our boys who are now nearly grown, went to preschool together. Those were fun, busy, exhausting, sweet years. And even though I'll never get over her moving to Mesa six years ago, I am truly grateful we have remained friends. I have learned so much from Maria - much more than she knows.
Ah, above is another of my favorites. Love, love, love this one. It tells it's own amazing story. As do most of Maria's photos. Such a gifted photographer. But first, a gifted person.

It's hard to describe someone like Maria. She's one of those people who sounds too good to be real. But you know, some people really have been given extraordinary gifts, and Maria is blessed to be one of those people. Aside from all her talents, she is first and foremost a genuine, friendly, lovely person. And she radiates it. She truly loves people and people of all walks of life are instantly drawn to her. I have never - and I mean never - seen Maria without a smile on her face. Case in point, catch her smiling on her blog with her beautiful family.

Oh Maria, I'm so happy we are friends :)
I used to babysit for Maria when she only had one and then 2 babies. I had no idea that you know her too until now. I too think she is wonderful and I think you are wonderful too Megan. You both are so sweet. What a great friendship you got going on. :) It is great to see what Maria is up to. I have not seen her in a lot of years. She takes beautiful photos.