Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today is Ellen Day! Yesterday Davy and I had the opportunity (thank you Val!) to attend a taping of the Ellen Show at Warner Brothers Studios. It was every bit as fun as it looks. We had a blast! It was SO cool to be in "THE" studio and see Ellen in person - and Tony too! We danced until we literally wobbled from the studio at the end of the show - lol. SO much fun :)

So watch/record/TIVO today's show! You may see a glimpse of Davy & I! Kevin Nealon was the main guest - very funny - and it was a terrific show :) I would also recommend visiting Ellen's website - some very fun clips, guests, games, photos, etc. going on over there all the time! Ellen Site

Between signing in at Warner Brothers that morning, and having to return for the actual taping, Davy and I took a VIP tour of the Warner Brothers Studio Back Lot. What a fun thing to do! We saw many famous movie soundstages, TV sets, back lots (streets and facades), some of the COOLEST cars ever used in movies, and the WB Museum with awesome artifacts/costumes and a whole upper floor dedicated to Harry Potter. Definitely recommended. 

1 comment:

  1. Misty! Amy told me they were there - what a coincidence! I didn't see him, but of course I didn't know until today! I'm excited to see the show - we had a great time!
