So good morning :) I'm sending myself and all of you some beautiful roses from my cousin Shell. I went to bed last night with one of those coughs that came along suddenly (while I was eating a tangerine at the dinner table to be exact) and you hope is just because you inhaled some kind of spore or something and it will be gone in the morning... But apparently that is not the case, because here it is this morning, still in my throat bugging me. Phooey. So I'm sucking on a honey lemon cough drop and hoping for the best. And enjoying Shell's beautiful roses :)
I'm thinking positively. I went to the dentist yesterday and that's over with (yay!). I got my antiques business taxes done yesterday and that's over with too (double yay!) - even though I have to report another loss for like the 4th year in a row and both my husband and our accountant wonder why in the name of all that's holy I'm in that business... But hey, I almost broke even this year. Besides, are they even kidding me? It's my excuse to go to Cambria. Sheesh!
But if you really want the ugly truth, I'm afraid the below picture is what I've been feeling like the most lately. This came in my e-mail from my trusty friend Leslie, who obviously knows me a little too well. Bless her. I wonder if this comes in diet? 
Have a great day everyone!
Oh my gosh, those roses are BEAUTIFUL!!! I hope your cough goes away and that you have a great day :)