I haven't said too much about the Mouse lately. Most of the attention has been focused on Davy and his 18th birthday, prom, graduation, and bedroom redo... and of course Daniel's overseas internship adventures and long-anticipated homecoming. Matthew has been content to remain in the background - so goes the ebb and flow of family life.
Funny how one day you look at your baby and realize they are almost 14 years old, say cheeky things to you, have foul smelling feet, act like complete morons when their friends are over, go to the neighborhood pool unaccompanied, repeatedly rearrange your cars in and out of the garage and driveway, have an arsenal of air soft guns you would rather not think about, make YouTube videos you would rather not know about, watch "Family Guy" when you're not looking, and have grown into their older brother's dirt bike, which they ride up and down the street every chance they get.
Where once my fuzzy little Mouse would crawl in bed and snuggle with me every morning when his alarm went off, he now gets up and is dressed and usually reading before I am even up to make his lunch. Where I could usually count on Mousie to watch my favorite baking or entertainment shows with me, he now has other things to do that do not, in any way, involve Mom things. And this is the same kid that used to take cake decorating classes and have his own barbeque business.
Sometimes I mourn the Mouse. I certainly never mourn who he is. The Mouse is great. The Mouse is awesome. I love and adore who he is. Most of the time. I just mourn the fact that my baby is growing up. My last baby.
I have always been a big proponent of growing up, because I love each stage and I love to see the personalities of my boys develop. I find it fascinating - and one of the most wonderful perks of parenthood. So it has pulled the rug out from under me a little to feel such loss. I guess it's because he's the last one.
But then I remind myself that I still see frequent glimmers of Mouse-like behavior, and I probably always will if I will stop wallowing long enough to notice. He is the first one to help if he is needed. He is the first one to freely offer affection. He is tender-hearted toward animals, and will go out of his way to help one. He has a love of country that runs so deep it chokes him up. The Mouse is a good boy, and he will be a good man. And he will always be my Mouse.
So today he starts 8th grade. There he is with Luna, waiting for the carpool to pick him up. I hope and pray he has a wonderful school year this year. I know from experience that there will be many ups and downs. I know that 14 year old boys are pretty much aliens from another planet. But I also know that tomorrow is always another day, and that most things work out, and that God is good. And that even though I knock the Mouse upside the head for belching at the dinner table he knows I love him with all my heart and soul.
Hope his day was great! I love the pics, and I love your sentiments! Hope your day was great too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post about your boy. Oh they do grow so fast. My baby is 3 1/2 and I am trying to hold onto her so she won't grow up!!!!!
ReplyDeletegrowing up is definitely bittersweet. even when everyone has done what they're supposed to, it can still feel sad, sometimes. i hope mr. mouse had a great first day in 8th grade and if he insists on no training wheels for that bike at least he should hold on when mom is TAKING A PICTURE ;)! your posts about your family are always so heartfelt and tissue-inducing. xo, cindy
ReplyDeleteWay to go Mouse. It is much more fun to be an 8th grader, than a 7th grade "scrub". Do they still say that?????
ReplyDeleteOh Megan.... that was just the sweetest post ever! Your Matthew is just the **BEST** and I wish him a wonderful 8th grade experience! (I LOVED the pic of Matthew and Luna!!!) Love, Kim
ReplyDeleteI love the way you write! What a perfect post!