Has it really come to this? My sad, sorry, excuse for a porch.
I honestly don't think it's ever looked this awful!
I've had a few porch challenges on my blog in the past, because when I just can't stand it any longer, showing it here gives me the motivation to get it DONE. Especially in the summertime when it's a trazillion degrees outside and I really need that motivation. You all know that I think no matter how large/small/odd your porch may be, it's still the window to your home - a little preview of it's soul, if you will. Not only is it everyone's first impression of it, but more importantly, it's what welcomes you home. It's purpose may be something different for each homeowner. Functional, comfortable, decorative, inviting, seasonal...... whatever works best for your needs. A front porch truly has the potential to give you the peace and cheer you would hope to feel upon leaving the world outside and taking refuge in your own oasis. Wow. That sounded like a sentence right out of the 1950's. Be that as it may, I still think it's the truth. I adore porches. Much can be done in such a small space. They can pack a big punch.
SO..... I can't say I'll get it done today, because we've been having a series of 100 degree days that are TICKING ME OFF. Because I'm such a weenie. But Monday is my Ultimate Deadline. By Monday you will see a lovely, cheerful porch that actually welcomes you to my home. And I am out of money big time so I'm going to have to do some major shopping in my own house. Meaning as much as I love flowers, you'll probably see pots being used creatively instead of holding flowers! AND....... if you need a bit of motivation in the life of your own porch, please think of joining me in my porch challenge! I would love to have your company! This is NOT a stressful contest to see who can impress who. This is just a challenge to get off your arse and cheer up your porch. Promise. And if you send me your before/after photos ASAP, I'd absolutely love to post them too!
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