Thursday, September 16, 2010

out of character

Out of character for me anyway. To post a movie trailer on my blog. Not that I don't like movies. Oh, I do. And not that I don't like Johnny Depp. Ohhhhhhhhh, I dooooooooooo. But I typically don't like suspense. Me trying to watch "Disturbia" was like a spectator event for the people I was watching it with. I typically don't like people being murdered all over the place. I typically don't like adventure either. And it's not a complicated plot that puts me off - look at what a *genius* film "Inception" was, for example. Speaking of which, I appreciate a film even more if it has a terrific cast, thoughtful character development, and perfect timing of comic relief (best example: the "Ocean's 11/12/13" series). 

But what it comes down to time and time again, it seems, is one annoying fact: the majority of adventure/suspense films have so much confounded, infernal, nonstop shooting - at a very LOUD volume - it drives me absolutely insane!!! So you can call me a wimp if you like. Whateves. But I found it necessary to go the way of the romantic comedy years ago, and I've never looked back. This world has too much shooting already. Like real shooting. It's too much for me. Matthew goes to high school with kids who get arrested for carrying knives and hatchets or drugs and liquor - or have robbed kids before they even get to school. I'm fine escaping to my little world of romantic comedy, thank you very much. I'll take Johnny Depp in "Chocolat".

~ rant over ~

Back to Johnny Depp in this trailer. And how it's out of character for me to post a movie trailer on my blog - specifically an action/suspense type thriller like this one. Well...... let me just say. I watched it once, turned up the volume, watched it again, refrained from watching it a third time because everyone was asleep and I knew I was already in danger of waking up sleeping people....... but I thought 'Now THIS, I have GOT to see!!!' - that's how *awesome* it looks to me :) So in other words, you could probably have watched this trailer 4 or 5 times by now instead of hearing me go 'Oh, I'm Megan and I'm such a movie critic - blah, blahhh, blahhhhhhhh'....... but in any case, here is the trailer for "THE TOURIST". I hope you enjoy it, because if you don't you're a FREAK. 

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