Saturday, October 23, 2010

miniature marvels

~ Meet Lu Lu ~
I don't usually post much on the weekends, but when I saw Lu Lu I just had to!
Lu Lu is a miniature pinscher (min-pin) who resides in China with her owner.
And as you can see, she LOVES to walk on her two hind legs instead of all fours!
Walking this way leaves her arms free to carry her tiny little purse of course :)
Lu Lu's owner says he does not know why she chooses to walk this way.
It's not a trick he taught her, but rather something she does instinctively.
He did say he thinks it adds to her charm though, and he loved her instantly. 
The people in their province are used to seeing Lu Lu out walking around.
Everyone smiles and enjoys watching the little min-pin strut her stuff!
I think it's adorable and hysterical :) Who needs a cat-walk with Lu Lu around!?!

Speaking of adorable and unusual things in miniature........
I STILL WANT ---------> EINSTEIN!!! <----------
click the link above to see the cutest little guy ever!!!

P.S. DON'T FORGET! Just one more day to comment on my blog b-day post!
I want to be able to enter as many names as possible for my give-away!

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