Tuesday, November 23, 2010

giving thanks list

To be read as the hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" 
is humbly and sacredly hummed... 
and your hand is tenderly placed upon your heart...
... and last but not least... MY COUNTRY :)
(did you really do all that other stuff I said to do? suckers, hehe)
eeek! I forgot to link to the List It Tuesday hostess with the mostess: Aimee!
P.S. I have NO IDEA why my font is turning out so small!!! :(


  1. you and your gorgeous hand writing! love luna and angel....and those tulips!!

    i think it is good to sit down and write lists like this. i used to keep a "good things" journal, and it always surprised me just how may great things in my life i was ignoring!

    happy tgivs to you and yours!

  2. Wow, your list is simply beautiful! Color all over, sweet and totally in keeping with the season, and I L-O-V-E your header picture on your blog! Happy Turkey Day!
