Sunday, January 30, 2011

Valentine Love

Hellooooo! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!
Need some Valentiny ideas for Valentine's Day?
A way cool cell phone or iPod skin for a friend or special someone?
Or perhaps a yummilicious laptop, Kindle, iTouch, or iPad protector?
Maybe even a fun new cover for a gadget of your own?
Check out *my Zagg Skins portfolio* over on!
I uploaded new photos, and brought back others by popular demand -
some to stay, and some for a limited time during Valentine's Day!
 6 pages of gorgeousness... and now Valentine's too!

(* special note: thank you Sprinkles for your delish cuppy cakes!)

from me to you with love!

Monday, January 24, 2011

fields of eye candy

 Some of the loveliest eye candy ever! The Netherlands in tulip season!
Today's post is dedicated to my freezing friends who think spring will never come! 
More eye candy down below, but first, a message from our sponsor (me):
Thanks for all the fun straw comments here on the blog & on Facebook!
Turns out I'm not the ONLY one that has strong opinions on straws!
Who woulda thunk?
 So this has become my MO because dagnabbit I've still got yuck issues!
Every time I think I'm good to go, by intestines say, "Uh... I don't THINK so"
Nuff said.
I have a sinus thing going at the same time. It's a toss up which is worse.
But I AM seeing improvement, so no need to comment on my intestines.
It's just my disclaimer regarding why I haven't had much content lately.
But look how nice everyone is! John brought me some little flowers :)
Teresa lent me Season 1 of Gilmore Girls and I *LURVE* it!
(Luke is such a babe. Just sayin')
Liza even brought me some tie dye duct tape - how cool is that!
So yeah, I admit it's been nice to slow down a little,
even though I feel reality lightly tapping me on my shoulder...
Besides, my hair is rocking the Severus Snape look and that's just wrong.
 So in the meantime, let's get back to the Netherlands in tulip season!
My friend Shannon sent me these pics cuz she knew I'd love them.
She said they had my name written all over them :) Thank you Shannon! 
 I just can't imagine being among something so beautiful!
 (this photo looks suspiciously of Washington state - another tulip hub)
 From what I hear the season is short-lived, yet billions of tulips are produced.
 Here are some pinks for my friend Wendy and I :)
I thought this photo was perhaps the most stunning of all!
I hope you enjoyed your eye candy - now enjoy your day! 
I'll be here watching Gilmore Girls :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

killer straws

Happy Friday everyone! I've been a STINK about posting this week.
I've been under the weather so that also means flying under the radar.
(what it really means is the couch + lot of meds + diet Coke)
But I have some cool things to show you today - YAY!

I'm very picky when it comes to my straws.
That's right - you might say I am a connoisseur of straws.
And I am very opinionated about my straws.

Thin straws are stupid. Wide straws are where it's at.
The wider and heftier, the better, says I!
Thin straws are for wimps that can only sip one teaspoon at a time.
("oh look at me - my 14oz. Coke will last me an entire 24 hours cuz I'm a wimp") 
Wide straws are for serious drinkers who crave a *BLAST* of flavor.
Flavor, carbonation, cold liquid, caffeine... ahhhhhhh.

For every day use, the obvious choice is a Wendy's straw.
The McDonald's straw was the gold standard for many years,
but when Wendy's made theirs slightly wider, I made the jump.
I have an entire kitchen drawer full of Wendy's straws.
(just don't EVER order Wendy's diet Coke - it's AWFUL)

For special occasions like when you'd rather hook an IV of diet Coke
directly into a vein, flooding your entire system as quickly as possible,
Boba straws are THE BOMB! They are as wide as your pinky finger!
That 44oz. vat of diet Coke you just poured will need a refill STAT!

But I just discovered some *KILLER* straws that came out of the blue!

While searching for something at my neighborhood CVS store,
I turned a corner and right there in front of me was a big pack of straws...
 in between Wendy's and boba straws in width! SCORE!!!
"Milkshake" Diet Coke straws made just for MEEEEE!!!!!!
I will admit, that they are not quite as hefty as I usually like,
but they're wide, come in a few colors, and cost .99 cents per bag -
How can you possibly beat that! They totally ROCK!
Milkshake straws? Oh... I think NOT!
 What a beautiful sight... *wipes a tear from her eye*
Just look at how WIDE that straw is! Yesssss!
I have, however, saved the best new *KILLER* straw for last.
It was a gift to me from my cousin Shell whom I adore.
I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. 
So get ready. Introducing:
A super wide straw, MADE OF METAL, that gets sooooo cold,
it keeps your desired beverage of choice cold for even longer.
Who thinks of this kind of stuff?!?! GENIUS!!!
 Ahhh, now just look at how chill this freaking amazing CHILLER is!
It's so chill........ it's CHILLAXIN'.........  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

list it Tuesday: little-known obsessions

OY - I know I forgot to write down at least another 10!
(click on image to see it larger)
For more great lists - or to join in - visit Artsyville :)
*Side Note: Aimee announced that today is our last List-It Tuesday!
Pacific Time Zone peeps - you still have a good 7 hours to participate :)
Thanks for all the fun Aimee! xoxoxo

Monday, January 17, 2011

flight time in more ways than one

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're all having a nice three day weekend!
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day - one of the greatest men that ever lived!
Our weekend had a lot going on so I am taking today to chillaxxx :)
Daniel is making his way back to Uganda via New York and Amsterdam,
for another semester of research - he loves going but it's hard to let him go!
The Mouse is feeling almost 100% and he'll be able to go to school tomorrow.
So that's pretty much the Walker Update, just in case you haven't been sleeping.
Today is one of those days I need to watch videos from these New Zealanders -
two quirky, hysterically funny guys called Flight of the Conchords :)
Make sure you let the vids load first so they'll play smoothly... 
AND, you may have to watch them a few times to catch everything, heh.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday bouquet

Happy Friday Peeps!
Here is a bouquet for you from my entry way table :)
Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

cutest. mouse. ever.

Matthew plays his banjo and sings "Wagon Wheel"
by Old Crow Medicine Show.
Just a few days ago he was so sick he could hardly speak.
Mono with a wicked secondary throat infection.
Antibiotics that look like horse pills and steroids for the swelling.
Now I'm having a hard time making him rest.
But if this kid isn't the cutest thing, I don't know what is :)
❤ ❤ ❤

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

have a nice day

have a nice day!
So I glance back at the table last night after clearing it off from dinner...
... and see that someone has gone and made mischief with a black sharpie!
And it wasn't even the Mouse (WAS IT, DANIEL) 
even though it was such a Mouse-like type of prank!
Speaking of which, thanks to all of you for such well-wishes for Mouse...
He is already feeling much better, thanks to the steroids for the swelling.
He's got horse pills for antibiotics, and is actually taking it easy for once.
Now if we can just keep him down until Tuesday :/

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

glam - list it Tuesday

Hey Gang!
Thanks ever so much for all the wonderful blog comments, FB comments, e-mails,
and tweets regarding yesterday's post about my Zagg skins! You guys MADE. MY. DAY.
Today is List It Tuesday of course, and I thought I'd let you enter in to my glamorous life.
And you know me well enough to realize that's total sarcasm.
No glam today - the Mouse is sooooo sick :( Like, scaring his mom sick :(
Like, some awful infection on top of the mono he can't seem to get rid of sick :(
So today's list is neither glamorous nor long - it's just... stuff.
But hey - you can find all kinds of terrific lists by clicking --------> HERE

Monday, January 10, 2011

what a Zagg

 Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!
I have a special treat today. 
Several family members received Zagg skins for Christmas,
and being that they are TOTALLY AWESOME, 
they chose skins from my Zagg portfolio!
I'm highlighting them here so you can see what skins really look like.
So *FUN* for me to see these pics! 
Zagg sells a lot from my portfolio but I rarely see the finished product! 

I'm starting with my cousin Shell and her MacBook Air.
She chose my photo "Shell's Roses" - she actually brought these very roses
to the cemetery for my mother's service, so they are meaningful to us both.
 See how even the inside is adorned with Zagg's protective skin?
They laser cut the skins to the precise specifications of your exact model.
Shell says it's like holding a bouquet of roses when she's using her laptop :)
 This is Shell's cell phone. She has a thing for hearts.
She chose my pink salt heart photo from my Zagg portfolio. Cute!
 This is Amy's Kindle, which turned out awesome!
Amy chose one of my cut paper photos from my Zagg portfolio.
Almost looks like a patchwork quilt - I love it!
 Here is a front view. Zagg skins protect every part of your gadget.
And of course skins personalize your gadgets too!
 This is my cell phone. It's a Droid Incredible - their backs have different levels.
I chose my crayon tips photo - even though the levels break it up, it still looks good.
 Here is Davy's MacBook Pro, with one of my original paintings as it's skin.
I totally *love* how it turned out! The colors and the quality are spot on.
 Zagg laptop covers include protection for the bottom too - cool!
Davy decided to keep his pad area free, but normally every inch is covered.
Depending on what model you have, you even gets side strips as protection.
To see one of my paintings from my portfolio on a laptop was totally awesome :)
So hopefully now you have a better idea of what Zagg skins really are,
and how they look, and what they cover... and how amazingly COOL they are!
You can click on the Zagg home site up near the top in my right side bar,
and you can also click the gumballs at the top right to see my 5 page portfolio!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Happy Friday! 
I have 2 lovely friends - Shannon & Wendy - who consistently send me 
the coolest e-mails! I don't have a clue how they find such great stuff!
I love everything everyone sends me, but Shannon & Wendy have an edge!
I recently received these A.MAZ.ING. photos from Shannon -
Adele Enersen of Helsinki, Finland, 
takes these otherworldly photos of her daughter Mila.
Click on Adele and Mila's blog to see more --------> HERE
She only uses what she has - along with her obvious gift of creativity and imagination.
To examine all the detail that Adele has put into each photo is incredible -
I was completely *enchanted* and drawn in to Mila's little dream world!
(Click on the individual photos to see them larger)
This is eye candy at it's best, my friends! ENJOY!
*all photos copyright Adele Enersen 

Have a lovely weekend!