Monday, April 25, 2011

25 on the 25th

~ HaPPy 25th BiRThDaY DaNieL!!! ~
25 years ago today, my sweet, precious angel boy made me a mother, and my life would never be the same. I knew Daniel had a special spirit from the second he entered our lives. I will forever be filled with gratitude for his talents and intelligence and beautiful heart. I know he will continue to make the world a better place for having been here. I'm sad he had to leave to go back to school just days after returning from Uganda, so we can't celebrate this special birthday with him..... But I want to wish him a *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* with all my heart, and remind him yet again: Daniel, I am so PROUD of you, and I love you SO MUCH!!! I hope your 25 on the 25th birthday is every bit as wonderful as you are!!!
Here are some of my favorite photos of you and I... what awesome memories! :)

 With his ridiculous brothers right before he drove back to school...
See? They really ARE capable of making normal faces :)


  1. Sweet! This made me smile! What a wonderful man you have Megan. Happy Birthday.

  2. What a good looking group of boys that you have! Oh, and I love all those pics of the two of you. PRECIOUS!

  3. happy birthday, daniel! here's to the next 25!

  4. Great photos and memories! Happy Birthday to Daniel!

  5. It's his golden birthday!! Happy Birthday, what a sweet looking baby!
