I got a new lamp recently, thanks to my adorable cousin Shell :)
It's *awesome*
My house is constantly in desperate need of illumination -
in my world, there is no such thing as too much light! Hah!
So now my bedroom is on it's way to being a well-lit room!
Bonus: now that we have a third lamp, I was able to arrange a COZY little reading nook :)
Can I even tell you how much I love my very own little place? Are there even words?
It's a good place to hang out, I tell you.
hehe :)
As Freddie Prinze ( on Chico and The Man) would say, Loooookin' Goooood!!! Did you make that PEACE sign over the bed, or buy it? I love it! Your house has a very homey touch....super cozy and welcoming!