Monday, January 28, 2013

craziest Crimbus ever

 Yeah I'm a month late but that's the breaks. And I hardly have any pics but ALRIGHTY THEN.
Our Christmas ("Crimbus" in our house) was *NUTS*
The new roof, interior painting that nearly killed me, and new flooring that DID kill me, 
was barely finished when the holidays were in full swing and the boys came home from Illinois.
I was lucky to get a wreath on my door. Most everything else never even made it out of the attic.
During all the craziness, EVERY single package delivered was tossed in the back of my car.
It was the only way I could keep everything safe and out of the way and in one place.
By the time the Crimbus arrived, I was LONG out of energy. I could only stare at the box mountain. 
To make matters worse, none of us could remember what box was for whom!
Packages had trickled in since October - the older boys sent all their gifts here as well.
I never thought I'd see the day this happened, but there was only one thing to do.

So on Crimbus morning, Daniel opened a box one by one, and we yelled out who the gift was for.
Sometimes we'd miraculously remember who a box was for and give it to the right person.
It was so much fun to see the gift and then announce who it was for!
We were actually more on the creative side this year, and chose things everyone would love -
it was SO. MUCH. FUN. 

Daniel got some "Fight Club" SOAP for Davy, hehe :)

Love this pic of Daniel, who did a great job orchestrating everything :)

SOME of us were not as impressed and decided to lay on all our stockings :)

Aw, my little Christmas Angel :)

Later on Taylor and her best friend Alli came over and we played games :)

SOME people got cool new coats (and scarves)


  1. It looks like it was a fabulous crimbus! What a fun memory this one will always be!

  2. Hehe - and who would've thought such chaos could turn out to be so wonderful! Love you Kerrie - xoxo

  3. My Christmas was not as crazy as this one...btw...what a FUN "guy Christmas" much fun.
    BUT...we bought our tree 3 days before Christmas...
    Maybe Christmas is more about having our family all home and less about the decorations !

    P.S. Looking for fun games which my family will play with me. Can't be cards because though I LOVE cards, my husband and youngest son do not.
    Will you do a blog on fun games to play????

  4. Bev! I think you are right! My boys do love the decor but it's last on their list and they've been trying to tell me that for years. They just love being together and having FUN and those are their best memories :)

    I'd be DELIGHTED to do a post on fun games - what a genius idea! I've been working on a post that's breaking my heart... so it will be a well needed delight to blog about games!
