So, I have this Theory. I've been thinking about it, and working on it, for years. It's really just a simple Theory about the very basics - the absolute utmost essentials - of what it takes to make me feel good about myself so I have a good day. It's so basic in fact, you may actually laugh. Especially that it took me so long to figure out. And especially when you read what I came up with. You'll be tempted to think I'm an absolute simpleton. But remember, this is just MY Theory.
Now, I readily admit that there are many other important factors that go into a making a good day. Prayer. Family & friends. My beloved dogs. Flowers. A clean car. My favorite earrings. Taking photographs. Service. Hugs from my kids. Creating things. That list could go on and on for all of us. Things big and small, and for each one of us they are different. These things are all obvious and go without saying. And let's not forget: just getting out of bed and getting our teeth brushed - sometimes we're having a good day just by doing that :) My Theory of three things are just the three things that make me feel good about myself somehow - that get me motivated, and out there, and present. And believe it or not, diet Coke is not one of them (try not to faint).
I have absolutely no clue why these three completely random things turned out to be the ones that make such a difference for me - they just do. I've tested them over and over again and it's true. I can guarantee that if I do these three things, it's like my planets fall into alignment and I can face the day with confidence, feeling good about myself and my place in the world. Who would have thought, eh? 
After years of sometimes making my bed and sometimes not, I finally figured out what a loser I felt like when I don't make my bed, or just do a quick, half-hearted job of it. Every time I'd walk in my room during the day it would get me down. It just doesn't take that long to make your bed, and the return you get is so amazing, because it makes you feel SO GOOD. And every time you walk in your room, you have this lovely gem to look at - what a great feeling.

I'm not a big make-up wearer at ALL - in fact mascara is all I wear besides my clear lip gloss, which can hardly be defined as make-up. I guess I'm just reinforcing to myself that though I'm not a make-up girl, I still care to put forth some effort into myself. I do feel more finished, a bit more polished, even when all I'm usually wearing is a tie dye shirt and jeans. It does make a big difference.

(this is my experimental movie star photo)
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Never - and I mean NEVER - underestimate the power of a good hair day!!! Whatever that means to you, do what you need to do to feel good about your hair. Don't spend your day making excuses for why your hair looks awful. When I'm having a good hair day I can face just about anything. I don't even know why - it just makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. Now, on the flip side, that doesn't mean become a slave to your hair. That's not a good hair day - that's wasting your good day. Just take the time to make your hair look great and enjoy it. Dadgum, do I love that feeling!

What do you think your three things are? It's harder than you think!