Thursday, April 9, 2009

girl can't help it

I know, I know - I admit it - I've already posted a plethora of photos of my front roses starting to bloom. And I apologize. But see, what you don't know is... how there used to be only sparse white iceberg roses there - until last January when my youngest son and I planted 12 pink Queen Elizabeth hybrid tea roses in between each iceberg rose bush. I've never, ever had pink roses before! And I've never had tea roses before - I will actually be able to have fresh cut roses to bring inside! And the more they bloom - so large and so gorgeous - the more delighted I become! And come on now... how could I refuse to post this picture of my precious Luna and Angel, posing so nicely in front of all these beautiful blooms!?!?

Have a very happy and very PINK day :)


  1. well, if we can't have pink roses in our garden right now, i'm glad you can and show us your lovely photos. have a nice weekend!

  2. Oh my gosh... these are sooooooo beautiful!!! And I'm with Dana - where the heck is the sun in some parts of the country?!?!?! Will it ever warm up around here??? And your Luna and Angel look very happy. I would be too if I was laying in the sun in front of those gorgeous tea roses. Ahhhhh.....

  3. I've been missing my roses lately. I have one lonely forgotten rose bush in my back yard. I'll have to return to your post to get a rose fix. Can you make them scratch and sniff, please? They're beautiful.
