I kept my 10 years of Country Home Magazine, and decided to let the rest go. But by letting them go, I didn't want that to mean contribute to a land fill - or even recycle them - when I knew others could still get enjoyment out of them. I donated my years of Dwell Magazine to a future design student who will appreciate them. I will probably do the same with my many years of Mary Englebreight Home Companion - I'm still on the fence over them (let me know if you're interested - they are no longer in print!).
But it's time to let my 3 years (36 issues) of Sunset Magazine go. My only qualifications are that you enjoy them to the fullest, and then pass them on to someone else who will enjoy them equally as much. So if you are in close proximity to me here in the Los Angeles area and can swoop on over here and nab this hefty stack PRONTO, leave a comment here and then get moving! :)

oh boy, i have the same problem with martha stewart living magazines, but i'm not brave enough to pull off that band aid. i'm not sure if i should keep certain years or certain months. ugh! you are getting me closer, though.