temperatures rising in more ways than one
I'm grateful for sunshine. I like it very much. But today I reached my boiling point. That may even be literal. Because it is forty million degrees here and it feels as though life as we know it is going to combust into flames at any moment. It is making me extremely cranky. I can't think straight. I get sick to my stomach. It makes my head hurt.
Oh, but it's a dry heat. Yeah, I'm aware of that. But I should be grateful I don't live in Arizona. Yeah - got it. Grateful. Still miserable. Well, at least it cools down at night. Really? Then I haven't been able to sleep because...? Why can't you just try to be more positive? Oh I have been but you must have missed that part. Now my retinas have burned out of my eyeballs and my brain has been fried for tacos after church.
So what you're saying is, you're hot. Yes, that's right. I'm hot. And very cranky. And while I'm at it, I'll add that I threw my back out. Again. So I'm in pain. I'm hot and I'm in pain. So I'm very, very, cranky. Extremely cranky. If I were you, I'd probably be on my way about now.
I'm feeling a great amount of sympathy about your back. That is such a bummer. I hope you feel better soon...HOWEVER, sister...I DO live in AZ and I'm afraid that your highs for the rest of the week are our LOWS. There is no reprieve, except maybe standing with the refrigerator door open. There is nothing dry about a heat that makes you sweat buckets. I guess I'm feeling your pain. I try to stay inside as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the heat my dear. And your back!!! OH NOOOOO!!!! I hope you feel better very soon. This way, when your back is better, you can come here and visit me in Chicago where it is a freaking 67 degree's today in mid July? What the ?!?!?! But I know how much you hate the heat, so I do feel badly for you. You hang in there and feel better very soon. And stop being cranky or I'll toss some raw meat at you - LOL!
ReplyDeleteMegan--I feel your pain!!!! So glad someone is as miserable as I am. Misery does indeed love company!!!! And to be in back pain on top of it is just adding colossal insult to injury. I think Davy should freeze some grapes and remain at your side, popping them into your mouth whenever it pleases you.
ReplyDeleteI want to know where you got the great and accurate pics of Valencia--oh sorry, that's the sun, isn't it. Hard to tell the difference....