Ah, the innocence of youth. So ignorant was I. All last year, I was so content - nay, delighted - with my big vintage glass of diet Coke, and my bag of Reduced Fat Ruffles potato chips. Breakfast, lunch, dinner (and in-between snacks)... of champions. Okay... slight exaggeration. But oh, how I loved them! My Reduced Fat Ruffles were my personal manna... my diet Coke was my nectar of the gods. Sigh... how little I knew then.
But I have grown (much wider) in the last year and put away my childish things. My eyes have been opened and seen the light. My taste buds have matured and there is no turning back. The seasons are changing and so am I. Fall is in the air. Change is imminent. And besides... everyone is talking about the new fall line-up.
Well feast your eyes on my new fall line-up! All natural, still-reduced fat, sea salted Ruffles! Diet Coke in my vintage glass... with a splash of sugar-free vanilla syrup in it! Oooooooooooh baby...... life is GOOD :)
The Ruffles are awesome because just like the regular Reduced Fat, they're not greasy like the Original Ruffles. I just can't handle the Original Ruffles - they make me sick to my stomach. And these Sea Salted ones have just a tad less salt than the regular Reduced Fat too. Still salty enough for sure, but wow, they taste so good! And just a splash of that vanilla syrup mixed in - smooth :) And my cousin Julynn gets credit for the Vanilla syrup (in other words, it's all her fault I'm hooked on it)

that's right

uh huh

oh yeah

If you want it then ya better put a ring on it :)