Remember this post? When I poked fun at my cousin Shelly? It's a good thing she's such a good sport :) Every day Shell fills up what I call her "vat" - a whopping 64oz container that you could pretty much use as a weapon if you needed to. It's kind of a Utah thing. Vats are very common there. People are very attached to their vats. Aside from nearly needing a U-Haul to transport them in, I'm a little jealous that we don't seem to have anything like them here in diet-Coke-loving California.
Well remember when Shell came to visit me a few weeks ago?
So of course I had to get to work immediately. Sorry, Fabulous Freddy's Car Wash... I didn't want your logo on my vat. I had to personalize it, and that meant cute paper and Mod Podge was in order. But first, I taped the top and bottom sections off and spray painted the center white, using 3 light coats of spray paint made specifically to adhere to plastic.The results turned out pretty good, but I should have sanded the smooth plastic finish first. I'll do anything to avoid sanding though - like pretend the directions don't say to sand it first...
So here is the fun part, assembling everything. I chose my papers, decided to use big dots so I got my punches out and started punching, and of course there is the Mod Podge that will put it all together. I put each dot on the vat individually w/ Mod Podge, making sure to smooth it out, and that it had adhered well. Then when all the dots were finally on, I coated the entire surface with Mod Podge. I will also spray it with acrylic since it will be holding ice and cold liquid on the inside. And I'll have to let you know how that goes! But oh my gosh, did it turn out so doggone CUTE or WHAT!!!
have way cute vat, will travel...
now, if only there was a cup holder this large...
I wonder if I'll actually have to strap it in w/ the seat belt...