My girlfriends Chris and Tami and I were having such a nice lunch yesterday at the Urban Cafe. That place has amazing food! The three of us meet once a month to enjoy each others' company and catch up on each others' lives. We were having a terrific time, as usual - and fortunately we were done eating - when Chris casually stated, "well... I'm a little tired of staring at that guy's butt crack". Tami and I weren't sure we'd heard her right, but we turned around, and sure enough, right outside the window in full view of the entire restaurant, was this guy's vertical smile. We nearly DIED LAUGHING. I couldn't resist whipping out my cell phone to capture the moment in time. It was almost as good as perusing :)

What a crack-up. Literally :)
OMG!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... you would think he'd be aware, especially if there was even the slightest of breezes. But then again... hahahaha...