Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Antiques on Main, Cambria California

Antiques on Main has been my personal antiques mecca for many years - long before I began selling my antiques there. Actually that's kind of misleading - long before they began selling my antiques there years and years ago. It's a three-story antiques mall of a different sort - meaning it's high on quality without being fussy. You won't find dust or that... smell you often encounter in antiques stores. Their displays are awesome and everything is well maintained.
You may recognize this sign from past posts. When I see this sign I know I am home :) Antiques on Main is owned and run by Sue and Deb Patchen, mother and daughter. They are like family to me and I love and adore them. They have been so good to me over the years. Sue is a tornado of energy, and is responsible for all the amazing displays. Oh, to have just an ounce of her energy! Deb is in charge of business matters and I love talking to her about her dogs - in fact it's her "girls" in the post below we've been clicking on daily to benefit the Cambria dog park!
This is the main room you walk into at Antiques on Main. There is literally something here for everyone, and they work very hard to keep it that way, with antiques dealers of all kinds. You'd think the store was run by elves though... every time I went to snap a photo, all employees mysteriously disappeared :)
A motherlode of Depression glass and crystal and all things sparkly - lots of different antiques dealers that specialize in just what you're looking for.
One room with mainly furniture, but there is lots of furniture scattered throughout.
Lots and lots of vintage lighting - working lighting! This is just a fraction of what they offer.
Just one of the many light, bright, fun displays here at AOM.
They have an amazing section of vintage clothing - this photo is for Emily :)
I thought this antique fire bucket was totally awesome. Stay tuned - I'm going to try to get a blog up and running for Antiques on Main in the future. In the meantime... take care AOM - love you guys!!!


  1. i love those types of antique shops, it looks totally amazing. i love the fire bucket, too.

  2. Very nice - looks like you had a wonderful time!!!

  3. Looks like a fun shop! Thanks for sharing all the in's and out's, a great tour!

  4. I love Cambria...it's been way too long since I've been there. But, I will for sure check out AOM the next time I'm there.

    I talked to my mom the other day and she said that she just happened to run into you there! crazy! Great minds think alike I guess.

  5. Sigh...I feel so lucky to have been there with you before. Maybe someday again...
