Yesterday was the craziest day. CA-RAZY! I woke up smiling at my happy pink pedicure that I had enjoyed with my friend Tracy the day before. My toes had gone nekkid for months, and getting a pedicure is one of those little things that is hugely uplifting to me. So there I was smiling, smiling, smiling. Until I realized that - ow - I had a sore throat. And wait - a really stuffy head. And coughing too? Surely this is a joke. I don't have time for this.
And from that moment on, I swear, my day was a comedy of errors that snowballed as the day progressed. Not all of it was awful, as you will see. But for a while there I felt like half of Abbot and Costello.
BUT. I got the Mouse off to school, and Davy got himself off to his college class, and I got myself to the bank when they opened their doors at exactly 9:00. Because to my horror I discovered I was nearly $400 IN THE HOLE. Like seriously IN THE HOLE. And exactly $230 of that was in overdraft fees thankyouverymuch. And I'm in major trouble here. I'm sweating. I have no back-up plan. And my husband's comforting advice is "wow, good luck with that". Crime-a-nittly. I know this is a family friendly site but !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*! I mean come on! How does this happen? Exactly where did my brain go on vacation this time, I would like to know? I realized when I was checking my account online the other night (without my STUPID you-are-getting-old glasses on) it must have said negative $300 instead of positive $300. I guess I missed the negative sign because I didn't have those infernal glasses on - heh. So I had to end up borrowing money from my credit card at 24% interest, which I'm sure will be an interesting adventure to say the least. OF COURSE I FEEL LIKE THE VILLAGE IDIOT. Are you mental? Why do you think this font is so small? I'm hoping you're not wearing your stupid you-are-getting-old glasses.
When I returned from the bank mumbling my mantra "it's just money, it's just money", I noticed that my dogs needed more food. I figured I'd give them some fresh water as well, so I filled up their bowls for them. Aw, what a good doggie mama. I live to serve. Because they love me unconditionally even when my brain is on vacation. As I leaned over to set the water bowl on the floor, my cell phone slipped out of my chest pocket and took a dive right into the water bowl. It would have received a perfect 10 had it been the summer 2010 Olympics rather than the winter 2010 Olympics. Thanks to my cat-like reflexes, I snapped up my phone before it even hit the bottom of the water bowl. I was rubbing it with dry towels and performing CPR even before it knew what happened (I don't think it ever did, because I took it's battery out as a gesture of kindness). Now, normally I would be ecstatic at the thought of a phone I've had for 4 years kicking the bucket (or the bowl in this case), because that would mean only one thing: new phone! But this was a critical catastrophe because I'm saving for an iPhone. Not that I'll ever get one, now that I've had to stoop to borrowing an astronomical amount of money from my credit card at an astronomical percentage rate. But the dream is still alive. My trusty phone must keep working until the day comes that my iPhone and I can laugh happily together as the sun sets. So I guess you could say I was a bit panicked. But not near as panicked as I would be had it slipped out of my pocket into the toilet. LORD HAVE MERCY, NO. That would have been a no-brainer. A sure-fire flushing moment. An irretrievable, no-way-out, I'm-never-going-to- touch-this-again-let-alone-get-this-out-of-here moment. And even if the flushing hadn't worked, as a last resort out of respect for 4 years of loyal service, it would have been a bury-it-in-the-backyard-along-with-the-rubber-gloves- and-the-kitchen-tongs-that-you-got-it-out-with-while-taps-are-gently-playing-in-the-background moment. BUT. Enough of all that drama. I'm happy and relieved to report that after a few touch and go hours, my phone pulled through and is still working like a champ! Ah, pink Razor, you're awesome. But I'll still dump you for an iPhone.
WHAT A RELIEF. Which is why it didn't bother me so much when my dogs came busting in the house with muddy paws. Or that it was dreary and gray outside, which made the light inside crappy, and I couldn't shoot any of the photos I had all lined up to shoot. Or that my cold was getting worse as the day went on. Or that Davy's band went and recorded at Amelia's house instead of here. Or that I ran out of mozzarella cheese sticks and Ruffles (!!!) at the same time. And that one was a biggie, believe me. You know me and Ruffles. And cheese sticks single-handedly keep me alive. But nope, I was a good sport about it all. I really was. Plus I had my pink toenails to cheer me, and they did indeed. I did laundry, I made crafting plans, I wrote all my e-mails and petitions for animal rights, I took Dayquil (hey, maybe that's why I was so cheerful), I started changing some things around in my bedroom, I spent some time on Facebook, and I even caught up on some of my favorite blogs. And that, my friends, brings me to say yet again how strange and fantastic life is. Because my crazy life stayed just as crazy - still to the point of comedy - but the planets aligned, and karma won out, and the craziness all became crazy GOOD.
I clicked on a blog I hadn't clicked on for a while. I thought it was probably time I caught up with Tara over at:
Scoutie Girl is an awesome blog - an extremely popular powerhouse of everything influential, and Tara has her finger on the pulse of all things beautiful, handmade, design conscious, eco-friendly, friendly in general... with an emphasis on keeping Scoutie Girl approachable, fun, informative and lovely. In short, it's a great place full of neat info and eye candy!
You're probably wondering why I'm going on and on about Scoutie Girl. Oh, I have a reason. When I clicked on it, I was so stunned my mouth literally dropped open. DROPPED. OPEN. Right there staring me in the face was my own artwork and my own name! Three paintings! With a link to my Flickr profile and everything! Tara said the sweetest things about my colorful paintings. I was so blown away. And so honored! I still can't get over it. Out of all days to decide to catch up with Scoutie Girl... what in heaven's name are the chances! I'm still marveling. So if you are here reading my blog, especially if you've stuck with these long, drawn-out paragraphs this long, and you consider yourself my friend... I just know you will be thrilled and delighted to share in my surprise and good fortune and joy... so CLICK HERE :)
My friend Wesla had crazy good things come to her too! She's a talented artist and she's recently opened up an online store of the most loverly things. Notecards, prints, originals - all hand drawn, which boggles my mind - and handmade jewelry that you'll just have to see for yourself to believe. And just as I was freaking out about Scoutie Girl, she found that she had been spotlighted in an online blog as well. How's that for good karma? Give Wesla some love, peeps! Please visit Wesla Weller's "Weller Than Ever" Store HERE :)
So crazy doesn't always mean bad. Sometimes it just means crazy good.
i can't believe what i just read! you ran out of, of, of RUFFLES! how can that be? i'm sorry for the pain part, but you had me laughing out loud, especially those 'STUPID you-are-getting-old glasses'. i'd love an iphone, but the monthly plans are so expensive. oy!
ReplyDeletelooking forward to your news and the post on scoutie girl is the best. that red painting reminds me of surfing and i love surfing. well, watching other people do it ;).
How did I miss this post until now? I thought I was keeping up with the "wild child" in a timely manner. Just read this now for the first time. Thanks so much for the shout-out and the link! You are oh so kind, Megan. :-)