Happy happy joy joy! Cindy tagged me with 10 simple, happy things. I *love* simple, happy things. They're my favorite, favorite, favorite. I think simple joys are the best thing in the world. They're all around us every day of our lives. Even when things are going bad. I think it's important to remember happy things every single day. It gives you a grateful heart. And I think a grateful heart is a happy heart :)
I made my list of 10 happy things in photos. It was hard to keep them to just 10! Starting with the above pic:
1) Flowers
I think flowers are God's gift to the world. Look closely - every one is like a tiny, precious miracle.

2) Color
Those of you who know me well know that I can't last a day without a saturated world. Color is the cheer in life.
3) This Face
My dog Luna is one of the purest joys of my life. I love my Angel too, but Luna is my friend and my comedy.
4) Pedicures
Yes seriously. Something just for me. Usually in pink or turquoise. I'm a happy camper.
5) Ruffles & diet Coke
Say it with me now: "I'll have some Ruffles and some DC with V" (vanilla syrup)
6) Vintage Croquet Balls
One of the few antiques I actually collect. I never tire of looking at them. They just make me happy.
7) Painting & Making Things
I don't know what I'm doing but that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I'm creating something.
8) A Good Hair Day
It rocks my world. 'nuff said
9) Quilts
My other collection. Old quilts fascinate me. Who made them? Where are they from? They're so lovely to me.
10) These Guys
I adore my family - all that testosterone - more than I can say. They drive me CRAZY but I sure do love them.
Looking a bit on the grubby side here... we were rushing to get Daniel on his flight to Ethiopia...
but everyone's head is screwed on and no one's making a ridiculous face... pretty monumental for them!
I missed a few favorite happy things, but nothing too earth shattering... I'll save them for next time!
Thanks for the tag Cindy! xoxo
I love your happy things!
ReplyDeleteI love your tattoo. I have a small one, and would really love another.
You have such a great looking family. The last picture is fabulous!
I love Coke Zero as opposed to diet coke, but will drink either.
yep, those are certainly happy and i love all the color and luna and your good hair and your fun family. thanks for playing. it made me happy! enjoy your weekend! xo, c
ReplyDeleteI love these happy things!!! (except Diet Coke :)
ReplyDeleteI love your 10 things. Thanks for sharing.