Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Idolatry nose Elvis

Let's just get this part over with. Yes, something is still terribly wrong with my nose. Yes, it is still painful and revolting. Yes, I will spare you yet again from all the disgusting details. Yes, I have followed every instruction and taken every horse pill as prescribed MOTHER. Yes, now I'm going to have to go see an ENT STAT ASAP BTW FYI. Yes, I realize that probably means a biopsy will be involved, thanks for the reminder. Yes, I'm worried about what the SAM HILL is going on up there! But there's your update, one week later. And like me, you'll just have to roll with it and pray to the Almighty and pretend Ruffles and diet Coke now come with healing powers. Yes, I'm afraid of becoming one of those people who have had to have their entire nose removed from their face because they've smoked their whole life and cancer has infiltrated their sinus cavities and completely ruined all their tissues and cartilage. Don't think I didn't see all those junior high films. I know what those people look like behind their fake noses! Those are the things nightmares are made of! Why would I have remembered it 100 years later!

So here we are, another week of American Idol (not to mention the season opener of Glee!!!) - Let's recap!

ELVIS NIGHT - with Adam Lambert as guest mentor

First I'd like to mention that I felt Adam Lambert did a fantastic job as mentor. And I don't just say that because I was a huge fan of his last year when he was an Idol contestant himself. He was completely candid and honest with all his charges, and had genuinely good advice for each and every one. And if anyone should know how they feel - as well as how to push the wow factor - it would be him. It was very evident that the contestants who listened to his advice gave stellar performances. The ones who gave a nod to what he had to say but twisted it into what they wanted to do..... not so stellar. Interesting night

1) Crystal - "Saved" - As I've mentioned before, the first performance of the night can be rough, but Crystal does it with ease. Not only with ease, she ROCKED it. A perfect, perfect song choice, and in my opinion, a near perfect performance as well. Loved the electric guitar addition, and loved seeing her smiling and having fun. WAY TO GO
2) Andrew - "Hound Dog" - I so wish when Adam told Andrew he was boring, he had told him to switch songs too. It's been done way too many times. Andrew did kind of take Adam's advice and he gave it a good latin twist but he kept it boring, made it corny AGAIN, and what was up with the way he sang "tiiiiime"? I felt badly for him. 
3) Tim - "Can't Help Falling In Love" - I thought this was going to be a train wreck. Adam gave great advice and Tim wisely took it - pushing himself to face his falsetto range, crafting a lovely, fresh, acoustic guitar version of the song, and subsequently earning himself a genuinely VERY NICE performance. I was truly happy for him.
4) Lee - "A Little Less Conversation" - Great song choice. Great, honest advice. I mean, by now everyone - especially Lee himself - knows that Lee is very talented, Lee has a killer voice, Lee gives great performances, but Lee shows little personality. Every week he seems to show a tiny bit more. Dude! Just smile and have fun!
5) Aaron - "Blue Suede Shoes" - Another song that's been done and overdone. I was ready to cringe on this, but I thought Aaron did much better than I had anticipated. I thought he showed some cute personality also. I still wonder though, how much longer this youngin' can possibly stay. I think this competition is just too big for him.
6) Siobhan - "Suspicious Minds" - I was excited to see Siobhan and Adam together because they are both so unique and have even been compared to each other. But I was sad about her song choice. Out of all the Elvis songs... WHY?! I liked her performance though, and was happy to have the strong, confident Siobhan back. I didn't agree with the judges, that she seemed "lost" or that she was "screeching" again. It just wasn't her best.
7) Big Mike - "In the Ghetto" - For a man who loves to tell a story in a song, this was a great song choice. I thought Big Mike's performance was one of the most genuine and stellar performances of the night. I thought he gave the song an emotion that even Elvis himself did not achieve. You so, so, so deserved that save Michael!
8) Katie - "Baby, What You Want Me To Do" - Not familiar with this song, but a good choice for Katie, regarding her frustration with the judges. Though she is not one of my favorite contestants, I thought she gave another good performance. Aside from the overdone neck talking. Like Aaron though, I think she can only go so much further.
9) Casey - "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" - I wish I could say awesome things about Casey's performance - and overall it was a good performance - but that's really all it was. Good guitar, good vocals... just kind of like a favorite local band you go to see - talented, tight, always good, but nothing extraordinary. 

I think definitely Andrew, possibly Aaron, and possibly Katie, will be our bottom three
I'm predicting definitely Andrew, and possibly Aaron will be on their way home
(remember, it's a double elimination this week)


  1. Well Michael Jackson didn't look that bad!!!! Maybe you could find out who his doctor was? lol Seriously I'm just sick for you about your nose situation. Painful, dreadful torture come to mind. Hang in there and hope you can salvage what you can!!

  2. Oh I think your AI news is spot on, as usual! (even though this is the first year I haven't been truly addicted)

  3. Oh boy, you are really in a miserable place with the nose situation. When I had my tooth pulled, the infection I had created a hole in my sinus. So, they literally plugged it up, because they were right there, and gave me the horse pills like you had. In some cases, they might need to make a few stitches - you can take it, you gave birth. Mine was small and it seems like it closed, so there's hope for you without some horrendous disease as the cause. Now, on with the show -

    1) Crystal - always rock steady. I'd love to see her sing some sort of disco song.
    2) Andrew - oy!
    3) Tim - nice, but eh. He picks the best songs for his fans, though. He's always singing about love and mushy stuff.
    4) Lee - fantastic and it seems he's getting comfortable with people actually watching him sing.
    5) Aaron - not a good song choice for him, but he's still cute.
    6) Siobhan - where has the old Siobhan gone? Oh man, when Simon gave her his critique she looked at him like Carrie after the bucket of blood dropped on her in the Sissy Spacek movie.
    7) Big Mike - excellent!
    8) Katie - she reminds me of those cheerleaders on Glee. She's from Connecticut. Her name is Katie and she has this attitude like she's going to call us girly and kick our butts with that head bopping. I loved her song choice as a way to stick it to the judges, though. Maybe she is bad ass, after all? She didn't sound like a country singer last night for once.
    9) Casey - he sure is pretty. It's not fair for a guy to have that freakin' hair. His voice reminds me of Eddie Vedder and he seems to actually be playing the guitar.

    I'm still bored with the entire show and agree Adam was a good mentor and tried to perk them all up a bit with some wow. I'm looking forward to Modern Family, tonight and will switch back and forth. Hope you are feeling better. xo, C

  4. Almost totally agree with AI Predictions...though I don't rank Big Mike quite so high.
    Good thoughts to you about your poor nose--if your nose hurts, your whole face hurts. OUCH! Feel better soon!

  5. Thanks for your comments girls! I love it when my friends comment! But okay Wendy, that MJ comment was harsh! LOL! I want to keep my nose, not just salvage it! LOL!

    Cindy, I sooooo look forward to your Idol recaps!!! You brought up so many good points I could do a whole new recap on your recap - LOL! Your "Carrie" comment made me laugh out loud, and I agree that it's SO not fair for Casey to have that hair. Thanks for your tooth recap too - I never did hear the whole story. I'm still sorry you had to go through that - but thank you for reassuring me! I actually have my ENT appt. tomorrow so I am very anxious/nervous/terrified.

    Well..... on to the dvr! Thanks again girls!!! xoxoxo
