Quite often I am reminded that clouds do have silver linings. Even though you may first have to stand in a downpour. Without an umbrella. As a bus speeds by. And you end up wearing a lot of mud on your face.
So it is with the continuing saga of my suspiciously cocaine infected nostrils - which, you will be most grateful to hear, I will not go into yet again - as well as the staples of my health regimen you all know I depend on most. None other than my personal manna and nectar of the gods: Ruffles and diet Coke. For such a coincidence to occur at the same time is really quite extraordinary. I'm certain the planets must be in alignment and all must be well in the universe. Or it could be that I'm just my optimistic self and my medication is really awesome.
If you're not aware of my close relationship with Ruffles and diet Coke - or if you really could care less - that's perfectly all right. Go head on over to the Onion - I'm sure they have something to get you laughing and thinking. Or go visit Dooce - no doubt she has something perfectly nasty to say. Now is your chance, so make a break for it! But if you want a little news flash... stick around for just a minute.
I admit it. I've been downright pathetic about this nose nightmare. And not just because I've been completely miserable. It's just the absolute wrong ailment for a germophobic, bacteria fearing, clean freak. So when my husband went to the store for milk Friday night, he actually bought me some Ruffles. He felt bad for my sad, sorry, pathetic self, and he noticed they were on sale, so he brought home several bags. Needless to say, he scored some major points. Now here's where my little news flash comes in.
You already know I can't eat the Original Ruffles. WAY too greasy - even just one handful will make me feel ILL. I have to stay away - far away. I had always eaten the Ruffles Reduced Fat and was good to go. Well, several months ago, I was head-over-heels to discover Natural Ruffles Sea Salt Reduced Fat. Soooooo Good!!! In fact, I even posted that they were my new Fall Line-Up! And I've been loving them ever since! It wasn't until my husband brought home my old favorite - the regular Reduced Fat Ruffles - because they were the ones on sale, that I realized what a difference there was in the SALT! HOLY SODIUM! Hence, wearing a lot of mud on my face!
I truly never realized how much more salt there is in the Natural Sea Salt Ruffles! They still may be considered Reduced Fat, but they are MUCH saltier! It was actually a relief to taste my old faves with less salt. I'll probably be able to delay that stroke a while longer too. So I am here to tell you my friends, run - RUN! - back to the regular Reduced Fat Ruffles for less fat and MUCH less salt! You'll be so glad you did. Your world will be round again.
I can't believe it took a freaking nose infection to bring it all about. Go figure.

And God will look down and smile upon your manna :)
Way to go Wendy! And thanks for the follow :D
ReplyDeleteAnd Nicolle, I've been known to swill a hefty amount of diet DP upon occasion! I love it - let's just say it doesn't love me so much... 'nuff said - LOL :D