Thursday, May 13, 2010

the long and winding nose

Remember THIS POST? So many of you kind and caring friends have continued to ask how my nose is doing and when I'm going to post an update. As my friend Traci would say, bless your cotton socks - thanks for caring :) I was a bit embarrassed for being so dramatic about the whole nose episode/crisis/freak show, and was hoping to quietly fade it into the background. Even for the open book that I am, I don't make it a habit to speak on topics such as what goes on up inside my nose. That may overstep the boundaries of tasteful blogging. YA THINK? But it has been a long and winding road - hence today's poignant images of famous long and winding noses.  

Poor Cyrano. Can you even imagine? But ah, what a great story. And if you've never seen the movie Roxann with Steve Martin, then you must, MUST see it. But I digress. I'm happy to say that my ENT says he SEES IMPROVEMENT!!! Which means tissue is indeed, slowly but surely, starting to grow back over the cartilage in my nose! No biopsy needed as of yet, and if things continue to go well, it won't be necessary. He said it will take quite some time to show real improvement so my next appt. is not for a month. But in the meantime I'll continue doing all the fun stuff like antibiotic ointment up my nostrils, blah, blah, blah. I'm just  SOOO RELIEVED I don't have to even think about Plan B. Because we all know that Plan B would have been a skin graft from my butt. And the last thing I need in this world is for my boys to find out I have butt skin up my nose. I would never - EVER - for the rest of my entire life, live that down. "Hop in the car kids - we're going to go visit Nana Buttnose" :/

So speaking about long and winding noses, this would be the first one that always comes to my mind. I had to include a few photos of the Child Catcher from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". He is the stuff children's nightmares are made of - at least to me he was! To this day, I still get the chills when I see him. OOOH SHUDDER :0


  1. Megan!!! I am so glad to hear that your poor little nose is slowly getting better! Keep it all doctored up, because you really would never live it down with the guys if you had a skin graft from your butt. I laughed out loud at your "Nana Buttnose" because it is absolutely true. I'm still laughing. Great post! Love you! XOXOXO.

  2. Your Unborn GrandchildrenMay 13, 2010 at 9:01 PM

    Dear Nana Buttnose:

    We love you. We won't let our dads say anything bad about you. Promise.

    And when we're driving by we promise we won't say "Don't tell Nana Buttnose we were only three miles away!"

    We promise.


    That took me so by surprise I am still laughing. That was the BEST. COMMENT. EVER.

    Dear Unborn Grandchildren,
    I love you. You're the best. Even if your dads tell you I have buttskin up my nose they are LYING. But don't worry. We will have all kinds of fun. Dancing to old music. And planting flowers. And taking pictures. And eating Ruffles. And if you are girls I will paint your fingernails and toenails anytime.

  4. oh man... Nana Buttnose... I can't stop laughing!

  5. OK!! I agree with you Megan and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the letter from the unborn grandchildren!! Your letter back to them is great too!! Love this! You need to print this and keep it in your hope chest!!
