I hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was packed with just about everything you could think of and more!
Thanks for all your awesome comments here on the blog, via Facebook, through e-mail, and in person, regarding my last blog post :) Sometimes there's just not enough aspirin. You guys de bomb and make everyting iry man.
So this is my new painting - I just finished it. It's called "Spring". I might have to marry it. Not really - it's going into my Etsy store along with a few others. But I definitely lurve it. Speaking of which, I may need to make up some more of my "so little aspirin" frames and sell those in my Etsy store too... opinions?

So we indeed ran the gamut this weekend. The Mouse and I cleaned out our closets and made donations. Davy's girlfriend Val left for a month of volunteer work in India. John & Daniel helped a family move. We had to do a major grocery store run which nearly required a U-Haul rental. Mouse went to a birthday party, I didn't even count how many movies were watched all weekend, and I reorganized the TV/DVD cupboard. Which leads me to announce that I got my Mother's Day present from John early - an amplifier and speakers that I can 1) plug the record player into, and 2) play my iTunes through! I will no longer have to settle for my tiny laptop speakers as my only form of listening to music - my house can once again be filled with BIG TIME SOUND!!! Way to go John - I am happy, happy, happy :D So John and the Mouse spent some time getting that all hooked up.
We are still having such fun with Daniel being home. (even if it means he and Davy spend every spare moment watching Avatar cartoons like they're in 6th grade, but you didn't hear that from me) My Luna is his little jogging buddy before he goes running.

And then Angel and Luna get to walk around the park, which they love. But I have ulterior motives and I bet you already know what they are. That Luna of mine is a naughty little character, and she loves to chase bunnies. She never catches one of course, but just watching her run like a bullet is seriously more fun than you've ever had :)

Sunday was an amazing day. My boy Davy was ordained an Elder in our church, which means he now has the Melchizedek Priesthood. Pretty big stuff. Ordained by John, with Daniel in the circle as well, and our Bishop, and High Council representative. Just look at these handsome boys. I'm so proud of them. I'm so proud of my Davy.
I was also called to work in the Young Women's organization at church, which is so awesome! I am very excited! I love and adore all the other leaders I will be working with, and the girls totally rock. It's gonna be great :D
Last evening John, Davy & I sang at a special missionary meeting at church, and that was really neat. It sounded great too. So as you can see, it was quite a churchy day. Normally I have a hard time with churchy days. I'm a bit of a free spirit. I'm not a very good meetings person. Our usual 3 hours every Sunday is sometimes more than I can handle. Yesterday I was there 6 hours. And it happened to be "Fast Sunday" so we had all been fasting 24 hours. Now, the Walkers are not great fasters. We get really cranky. And shaky. We get headaches. Sometimes Davy surpasses white and turns clear. So it was a really big churchy day, with lots of neat stuff going on, and no food. But we made it through, and I know we have our Father who art in heaven to thank for it all.
And then we ate. And I partook of much diet Coke. And we played UNO. And I threw nothing. And it was well.
I LOVE that painting. I wish I could paint. It's so pretty. I know I don't know you but you sound like an amazing person, with a full and wonderful life. Some days I get up and wonder how I can make it through the day with my 2 year old, but reading all that you do inspires me! :))
ReplyDeleteFantastic Post Megan! (I'm totally teasing Danny about Avatar, but only because that is what I do with my younger siblings when I go home too. However, he doesn't need to know that). LOVE!
ReplyDeleteyour weekend sounds great and i love your new painting! the church stuff sounds fun and congratulations to davy. the group photo is oh so serious and wonderful. xo, c
ReplyDeleteLove, love, Love your spring painting!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBefore ANY more time goes by, I've got to put my two cents in! :o) What an amazing day for you and your family! The photo with all the men in suits is absolutely stunning! There are moments in life that catapult us into new experiences and directions; this day seems to be one of them for the Walker Family! We love you guys!