sometimes there are just no other words.............
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sandpoint Saturday
Sorry you didn't get your Sandpoint pics on Friday but I was busy coughing up a lung.
Now here's where the Sandpoint story starts to get a wee bit messy. We had told the boys that if we moved to a rural area, of course they would be getting dirt bikes. I mean, come on. So here we are, on top of our mountain, and the bikes are delivered, and it's like Christmas four times over, and the boys are so excited they're peeing their pants, and they're riding all over the place, and the mountain sounds like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Well, we had a slight suspicion when only 3 out of a mountain full of neighbors came to welcome us when we moved in. But it wasn't until the Dirt Bike Incident as it has come to be known, that we found out for sure. Except for those 3 houses of genuinely nice people, all our neighbors were old farts who hated anyone moving up on THEIR mountain. And we had not only just done that, we had also broken the number one Unwritten Rule: if you insist on being here, DO NOT MAKE ANY NOISE. In other words, our old fart neighbors now hated our guts and didn't mind telling us so.

In an effort to patch things up I actually wrote out neighbor cards with our names and phone number on it, and after church the next day, we all marched around to every house and introduced ourselves to every single old fart. That's right, we painted smiles on our faces, knocked on their doors, lured them out of their dark holes into the daylight, and got into their faces and made them speak. Bless all my boys, they didn't even complain. It was comical that they were all so nice to us, though we did see a few spouses escape into other rooms and refuse to come out. Apparently the damage had been done. We had infiltrated their precious mountain, broke the Unwritten Rule, and would never belong. I let my dogs pee on their grass.

Aw, just wook at dat widdle Mousey. He onwy 8 yeaws owd.
Well, the timing was indeed off, and I guess we really didn't belong on that mountain. At least not at that time. But for the time we were there, the boys so enjoyed those bikes. They made a track in our back acre through all the trees. My favorite memory was when Davy launched himself off a large root and ended up stuck IN a tree - bike and all! Hahaha :) They found some great trail rides off the mountain too. The Mouse became quite an expert at a young age, and has continued to love riding dirt bikes ever since.
I often wonder who those old farts are tormenting now? Just as we were moving, they were trying to get everyone to agree on installing semi-permanent speed bumps all the way up the mountain road. All the young careless people, you see, were driving much too fast. Miserable old cusses. Come to think of it, they would have made great speed bumps themselves........
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
the dingo ate your baby
Surely you remember the recent past, when poor Angel was miserable with her amount of genetically mutated fur. When the shedding began, I felt bad for Angel and also for myself when her floating fur stuck to my lip gloss.

Just look at the poor thing. Waddling like an armadillo. How can she hoist that gargantuan amount of fur around?

Obviously she did not get far. Angel went places by going in little spurts here and there, and napping in between.

Meanwhile, Luna lived in her perky fantasy world as Queen. I didn't tell her it looked like she had baggy pants.
But I digress! Remember how the above photo was the result of just a few times from brushing Angel's BUTT??? Well, I called in the big guns. Meaning I called in our groomer Jennifer who comes to our house. It's always fun to see the look on Angel & Luna's faces when they see Jennifer at the door! HAH! Angel only tried to nip me once, and I only had to drag Luna out of my closet like a wet noodle one time. Which is so ironic, because they always feel SOOO much better afterwards, and they run around and play like puppies because they are so happy! And this time was no different - thank you Jennifer! You can see their transformation below. Such a transformation!

Luna as Martha Washington
sorry - I just couldn't help myself
Monday, June 21, 2010
it's all about me
Good Morning everyone and Happy Monday! It is for me at least, thanks to my friend Cindy who bestowed upon me this Beautiful Blogger Award :) Thank you Cindy! I will tell you 10 things you don't know about me and then pass it on to a few unsuspecting bloggers... bwa-ha-haaa :) And oh! I hope everyone had a lovely Father's Day!
10 Things MOST of You Don't Know About Me:
1. I was adopted as an infant
No, I have not met my birth mother, though I think I found her once. Yes, I am curious. Yes, I have always wondered who I looked like. There. I answered some of your questions for you so you don't have to ask them.
2. I broke my tailbone on a roller coaster
It was that famous wooden one down near San Diego, before it was restored
3. I was almost kidnapped in Hawaii when I was 12
4. I was voted 'most kind' in the 9th grade poll
5. I was very fond of a certain weed
I am speaking in gardening terms of course
6. I was in the 12 member cast of Godspell in high school
7. I started BYU when I was 17 years old
I didn't have a clue what I was doing or any direction whatsoever
8. I had an original song on Billboard Magazine in 1986 (the stone ages, I know)
9. I prefer the company of my dogs Luna & Angel to pretty much anyone
Do NOT take that the wrong way - it does not mean I don't like you! I love and adore my friends and family
10. I am afraid of a lot of things
It took me a lot of years to figure this out. Luckily, I have been blessed with a lot of faith.
~ ~ ~
Thanks for reading my quirky little list :) I'm going to pass this award on to some deserving friends now. Bev, Sara, Sabina, Bree, Lisa, and Maria! No pressure girls, but I'd love to see your lists! Hmmm - maybe I'll even bug a few new bloggers I happen to know and love - tee hee hee :) Liam, and Alissa :) heheheh :D Beautiful Bloggers!
Friday, June 18, 2010
sandpoint the town
Happy Sandpoint Friday :)
Today we are visiting the actual town - a town so quaint it could have almost been named Mayberry.
Even the local Radio Shack looks cool. How often does that happen?
I really liked the town of Sandpoint, and now of course I wish I had taken a lot more pictures
of some of our favorite places. I loved walking around the streets and visiting the different stores.

The Main Stage Cafe (at the lovingly restored movie theater) had the thickest slices of pumpkin bread ever -
you could grab a window seat and watch the town go by as you ate it. Oh yum... it was so amazingly good!
Pack River Potions, next door, had all kinds of wonderful handmade lotions. They would even customize it!

Snow River had All Things Ugg and had handmade items also. The owners were the nicest people ever.
In fact, just about everyone in Sandpoint was nice. One of the reasons it was so enjoyable to visit each store.

This fun locally painted mural was outside the Potato Bar - an awesome restaurant - and the local Starbucks

We came reeeeeelly close to purchasing Romeo's Pizza, which was such a cool place.
It stood across from a small city park where they had the most awesome Farmer's Market every Saturday.

Walker's Donuts
What can I say... I thought it was an omen. I thought it was written in the stars. I still think it probably was.
We actually DID buy Walker's Donuts. I think we owned it for maybe an hour before we chickened out.
The inspection terms were shaky and it's true - instead of being adventurous and jumping in, we weenied out :(

Such a great place - John helped me get all my antiques fixed up so nicely in here and the staff were awesome.
Plus there was an adorable little cafe attached to it on one side, and an amazing home decor store on the other!

Looking from the back side toward the town, this is the famous Coldwater Creek Bridge,
where the first Coldwater Creek clothing store originated (and still is). Few people know their main headquarters
The main city park and beach, located on the water's edge (yes, that's Lake Pend O'Reille out there).
I hope you enjoyed your tour of the town! Stay tuned for more Sandpoint next Friday!
Have an awesome weekend! xoxo
Thursday, June 17, 2010
my gurl
HaPpY 24th BirThDaY to my niece KaYLee ~ the best niece on earth and my favorite girl in the world!!!
and COnGraTuLaTioNs on her recent GrAduATioN from college ~ I am so proud of my girl!!!
Kaylee is no stranger to hard work. She has had up to 4 jobs during the summers to save for school. Not to mention she is a smarty, earning scholarships for her excellent performance. She's already started grad school :)

When Kaylee found speech therapy and audiology, she took off running. A girl of many talents, like many fellow students she was stressing about her college choices. She had declared a music major and graduated with her AA degree when a summer job she happened upon opened up a whole new world to her. She knew she had found something interesting, something she could really excel at - and a way she could make a difference in this world.

It is still so easy for me to remember this sweet little happy girl. Always a little ray of sunshine - she still is.

And you can take the girl out of California, but you will never - and I mean NEVER - take California out of the girl! Kaylee will always be the ocean/beach/sand/sunset/warm weather lover that is everything California :)

One thing Kaylee got used to early was being the only girl cousin on the Walker side. Whether she was always surrounded by stinky boys doing stinky boy things, or all of those boys endlessly clamoring for her attention.....

..... she was always able to hold her own, and do it in style :) She could even make hunting clothes look good.
She even put up with their endless teasing because she quietly knew she was the higher species - heheh :)

It has been a joy to watch Kaylee grow up and do all kinds of wonderful things, and have all kinds of exciting experiences. She has been a youth counselor and an amazing example to many, many young adults. She has worked as the head lifeguard, swim instructor, and swim team coach at her hometown pool every summer, so there are many people counting on her. She studied abroad and got to tour all over Europe (the above pic being one of my faves). She has made more friends all over the place than you could possibly imagine.
I love this photo of Kaylee because it's not only a beautiful picture of her, but it looks like it's been kissed with sunshine. And every time I think of sunshine I think of Kaylee. When I hear the song "You Are My Sunshine", that song is Kaylee. She makes everyone happy when skies are gray.
I love this photo too, because my oldest son Daniel and his cousin Kaylee are only 6 weeks apart and are still the closest of friends and partners in crime. They will take time to spend with each other, talk on the phone together, ask advice from one another, laugh together until their sides hurt, and buoy each other up when it's needed. It just warms my heart and makes me so happy to know they have each other and such a special relationship.
Kaylee, I think this is probably one of my favorite pictures of you, even though I know we were just goofing around that day. I love it so much because after so many years of seeing you work so hard to accomplish all your goals, and seeing how strong you really are, you really do embody this photo. I love and admire you so much!
Last but certainly not least... the Mouse was able to transfer this onto You Tube for you. I had to put it on here
so everyone could see it because it's just TOO CUTE to not be seen and enjoyed sweetie! And so I present:
~ Kaylee 'signing' Michael Jackson's Thriller ~
college graduation,
Kaylee's birthday,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
So amidst all the main things I blog about, the undercurrent of life is always going on here at the Walkerville home. Sometimes it's more of an electrical overload with fuses blowing all over tarnation. But I'm sure you know what I mean. So this post is about some of the things that have been flying under the radar lately, so to speak.
First off, the above pic, which has been slightly mutilated, is my very first paycheck from ZAGG. WAHOOO!!! When they e-mailed me to say they were sending me a check, I didn't believe them. I thought, I'm actually going to make some money at this? People are really going to want my photos made into skins for their cell phones and laptops? And then I thought, okay, the check will be like 40 cents. Let's just say I was stunned. And I've had another check since then that has surprised me. And that's with my teeny tiny miniscule percentage. So ZAGG, I am making you a truckload of moola. You're going to have to up my percentage pretty soon, baby. Just sayin' :)
---------------> Megan Walker's artist portfolio/photo skins on <----------------
5 pages of fun skins peeps! check 'em out!!!
I also thought it would be *hysterical* to actually offer a REAL skin over at Zagg. A potato skin. Or not.

my trumpet vines started to bloom in my yard again and they are sooo pretty!

in fact, we had such a wonderful spring and *everything* was blooming!

my Martha Washington geraniums were so lovely... until one day it hit 100 degrees and fried everything :(

the Mouse in John's Mini Cooper - the car he mainly learned to drive in... actually, the Mouse has been known to drive just about anything he could get his paws on... my Bug, his brothers' trucks, quads, motorcycles, tractors.

the moral of this story is to never let the Mouse have your keys or let him "move your car" for you :/

the Mouse and his friend Brett as human yearbooks on the last day of 8th grade/junior high! on to High School!

Aw, my little Angel :) I don't often take many pics of Angel because she's just not as photogenic as Luna is, nor is she as hysterical as Luna. But she's such a sweet little girl and I love her so dearly. And now that it's really warm here, she and her heavy, heavy coat of fur are really shedding. She doesn't like being brushed very much but I know she's miserable. She tolerates it because she loves the attention. Both she and Luna will be bathed and shaved soon, but in the meantime, poor little Angel is drowning in her own insulation.

I thought perhaps I could make a 3rd dog out of the fur I'm getting from Angel. What do you think? Any thoughts? This is about the third bundle of fur that I have aquired from Angel's hind quarters. And no, I'm not exaggerating. Yes, I know I'm know to exaggerate. But this is the absolute truth. I only regret not keeping the other masses of fur - I could have found someone to spin it for me and at least make it into a skein of Angel yarn :/

Speaking of pets, Davy has the crankiest, naughtiest kitty on earth. Yesterday Davy and I had to get up early and drive across the entire state of California in order to get to an appt. before the traffic was stopped for the rest of the month. Normally, I have a rule that I am not allowed to start my day until my bed is made and my scriptures are read - blah, blah, blah. That was not going to happen yesterday. So everything went well and we finally got back home, and WHO do I find nestled all snuggly and cozy inside my bed, right on my SHEETS? Exactly.


Last pic of the day....... Sometimes I just can't help myself! tee hee hee :D
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