Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the dingo ate your baby

Surely you remember the recent past, when poor Angel was miserable with her amount of genetically mutated fur. When the shedding began, I felt bad for Angel and also for myself when her floating fur stuck to my lip gloss.  
Just look at the poor thing. Waddling like an armadillo. How can she hoist that gargantuan amount of fur around?
Obviously she did not get far. Angel went places by going in little spurts here and there, and napping in between.
Meanwhile, Luna lived in her perky fantasy world as Queen. I didn't tell her it looked like she had baggy pants.
Speaking of lions, look at the mane on Luna herself!
I can't help it... I love Luna's tiny little chicken legs :)
But I digress! Remember how the above photo was the result of just a few times from brushing Angel's BUTT??? Well, I called in the big guns. Meaning I called in our groomer Jennifer who comes to our house. It's always fun to see the look on Angel & Luna's faces when they see Jennifer at the door! HAH! Angel only tried to nip me once, and I only had to drag Luna out of my closet like a wet noodle one time. Which is so ironic, because they always feel SOOO much better afterwards, and they run around and play like puppies because they are so happy! And this time was no different - thank you Jennifer! You can see their transformation below. Such a transformation!  

Awwwwww, look how cute and smiley they are now!
"I'd like a junior breakfast burrito, and small fries, and a diet Coke......"
They can wear their little girly camo t-shirts now
(only those who watch Seinfeld are going to get that reference)
Luna as Martha Washington
sorry - I just couldn't help myself


  1. That last picture is hilarious! Your dogs are so cute and I will never forget the first time I met them in my mom's backyard. They both walked right over to pool, walked in and hung out on the top step. Meanwhile, we couldn't get ours near the pool.

  2. Funny pictures! I am not an animal person but my daughter who is a dog freak will love these pictures! I love the picture where she is "too sexy" for herself!! I really love "Martha Washington"!! Yeowsa! I am also amazed at how young and thin they look after the hair trim! What a transformation! Wonder if that would work for me? Hmm!!

  3. Oh Bree - I had forgotten about that time. Were you there the time Angel took a dive right into the pool too? It was hysterical of course :)

    Liam! Of COURSE I had to do Martha Washington!!! I was bound and determined. Maybe it's a girl thing though? You gotta love her as Martha though :D

    Oh Wendy, these silly girls keep me laughing, that's for sure! My life would be pretty empty without them - I can't even imagine :/ Especially Martha :D

    Love to you all xoxoxo

  4. Megan!!! I had a good belly laugh from these pictures and your captions. Your doggies are so cute and sweet. I miss you!


  5. Ahh, so much better! They look so cute and ready to sport their new do for the summer. :)

  6. Everyone looks and feels better with a haircut! I love how they look. Cute. P.S. I think Brian's mom would love some of their leftovers about now. :-)

  7. Fun pics, Megan! I got a good chuckle of the two of them sitting in the front seat of the car . . . like they were finally ready to go out on the town after getting their hair done! :D

  8. You guys just *crack me up* with all your comments - on FB too :) Thanks everyone!

    They really do love to ride in the car too, but every time we come to a stop, Angel thinks we're at the Jimmy Dean's drive-thru and is ready to order, hahaha :D

    Heather, my groomer Jennifer is awesome - her prices were the same (or less) than what I had paid at PetsMart and elsewhere. She is so great with the dogs and always does a good job too. Her price probably depends on the size of the dog + age and demands, you know? Mine together are $65 - I'm sure Diana Bingham's little chihuahua is much less. Perhaps a dog that is tough to work with/bites her may be more costly... Her number is (661)713-3092 - you'll need to give her several days to get back to you.

    Love you all!!! xoxoxo

  9. oh you have me laughing and i'm sorry i'm late to this party, but better late than never. the captions are just too funny and your 'dingos' couldn't be cuter!
