Monday, December 27, 2010

on Christmas day in the morning

 Happy happy joy joy! Did you all have a wonderful Christmas?
We had a really lovely time... aside from my pumpkin bread still not being made :/
but don't give up - it could still happen... it WILL happen!
 I love this photo :) It was about 5:00a.m. Christmas morning!
Yes, I was still up. Because I'm a lunatic.
 I love this angle too... and I caught my little Angel snoozing :)
 This was the year half our tree lights decided to stop working,
so we had 2 different kinds of white lights strategically strung on there...
and in the end the entire tree top formed a coup d'etat and went out.
 So Merry Christmas from us!
 (we got our crazy face pic over with first)
John, the Mouse, me, Davy and Daniel
 Okay - this one is a little better I suppose... 
but the above photo is probably more accurate of our usual selves 
(I mean the boys - definitely not me)
It was so *AWESOME* to be all together - I love it so much ❤
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night :)


  1. Same to that last sleeping dog cute

  2. I love your pictures. Nothing like everyone snuggling on the couch together :)MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  3. Oooooohhh, happy = ) I love all those faces.


  4. Awww....... such wonderful friends saying such wonderful things!!! Thanks to each and every one of you - you know how much your comments mean to me :)

    I hope you all had LOVELY Christmases as well :)

