Wednesday, December 1, 2010

sincere thanks and... par-tay on

Oh my gosh you guys!!! I had the best birthday EVER. 
Thanks in BIG part to you and all my DEAR friends from over the years!
Comments here, emails, phone calls, texts, visits... and Facebook was NUTS!
I lost official count somewhere around 120 but I think it approached 200.
Do you have ANY idea how ❤LOVED❤ you made me feel???
There just really are no words to describe it, and I'm not speechless often.
I just want you all to know how much you touched my heart ❤
Every one of you is such a blessing in my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
 So life around here has been one big ongoing PAR-TAY!!!
Celebrating my birthday WEEK is just the most fabulous thing :)
And I did a LOT of the things on my birthday list! And more fun awaits!
So look what John did for me!!! Colorful paper lanterns in our front room!
I've wanted to do this forever, and I got the lanterns some time ago.
Since I get to boss everyone around my entire birthday week... time to hang 'em!
He did an amazing job, and believe me it was not easy up there at 14' in the air!
I think they look AWESOME! And they were so festive for my birthday!

 This is basically what the big picture looks like - YAY!
And when my chairs are done being reupholstered (SO EXCITED!)
It's gonna look freaking A-MAZ-ING!!! I can't wait! :)

(YES we have 2 couches and I know how WONKY it looks!
I'm still trying to sell our big red sectional - split apart right now - 
and our gold chenille paisley love seat from the other room!
The sectional is wonderful and for $350 it's yours!) 
Have an awesome day everyone! I'll keep you updated on my birthday antics!
I have lunches with friends to look forward to... my pedicure... addressing cards...
and forcing all my men to watch chick flicks with me! Bwa-ha-haaa! Harsh! 


  1. I am so happy that you had a great day! And the fun continues..... See you Friday!

  2. the lanterns look awesome. it's only wednesday, so party on!

  3. Oh my how i love those lanterns!!! So Great!!! So glad you enjoyed your day, not surprised you have so many friends because you are so amazing!!!

  4. Glad you had a wonderful birthday.
    Oh, those paper lanterns look GREAT! I am looking around my house to see where I could put some up.

  5. Good for you Megan! They look great up there too! I want to come over and just lay on your floor and stare up!
