Wednesday, December 21, 2011

S'mores pops

 This year I decided to make something different -
something easy and fun that the whole family could make together!
S'mores pops! S'mores on a stick - oh yeah baby!
We made these assembly line style, and we had a blast!
The pics are pretty self explanatory, but you'll need:
1. marshmallows
2. hard paper sticks
3. melted milk chocolate
4. graham cracker crumbs
5. wax paper
 Put the stick in the marshmallow, dip it in the chocolate
Let some chocolate drip off, roll it in the graham cracker crumbs
 After the marshmallow is well-coated, lay it on the wax paper
 After you've made a gazillion of them, package as desired!
 This is so easy, even college graduates can manage it :)
*warning: you will eat as many as you make
And amazingly, they were even better the next day!
So if you want some, come over and get 'em!
I'm seriously running out of delivery steam :/ 
Merry Merry!

P.S. Davy thinks he's hysterically funny by saying 
it looks like they were rolled in kitty litter...
not only were they NOT rolled in kitty litter,
but they taste freaking amazing and I mean it!
And no, I don't want a peanut!!!


  1. Hehehe, yes friends, they are definitely AMAZING! And Wendy, I can honestly say none were drooled on... but I must admit we probably ate about a third of them! LOL!

  2. I loved those morsels of yumminess. I love how everything you make is perfect. Man, even your marshmellow treats are perfect. You ROCK!

  3. Awww... so much S'MORE LOVE!!! You guys are so awesome - thank you for your comments! You all rock too!!! xoxoxo
