It's not often I speak out regarding politics. And it took me a long time to make my decision of who to vote for. I have watched Barack Obama for years, and have had a great deal of admiration for him. I have the utmost respect for John McCain. He is a true war hero. I honestly believe that both candidates are good men, are qualified to lead our country, and genuinely have the American peoples' best interest in mind. They may have completely different ways of going about that - and I don't agree with either one of them on every issue - but I truly believe they love America and would do their utmost best to serve. I believe that of their running mates as well. And it thrills and delights me that either way, this will be a historical day for America. A-MAZ-ING.
After much consideration, my vote went with Barack Obama. I have faith in him. I realize I am idealistic. But I have been jaded for so long, that's okay with me. America is a blessed country. I am proud to be an American. It's a privilege I never take for granted. Never. But America is in desperate need of change. There is much to do. I believe Obama is the man. And today will make history. History!
Congrats on voting Megan! Everyone needs to vote no matter who they vote for! :)