Okay I can't stand it..... are they just too cute or WHAT. This is my oldest son, the Red Power Ranger, and my niece, California Surfer Chick. They are both 22 years old. They are only 6 weeks apart. They are best buds. I absolutely *adore* them. And I've had them on my mind a lot because they are spending Thanksgiving at Surfer Chick's home. I'm sad the Red Ranger could not make it home for Thanksgiving... sniff... but I am so happy they could spend time together at California Surfer Chick's house. Especially because I know my sister-in-law (Sister-In-Crime) will be making a traditional Thanksgiving feast. And if you remember correctly, I am still trying to get over the trauma of a recent high school anatomy assignment and will not be cooking any type of fowl in the future. We are having pizza. Just LOOK at how cute they are! They should have been born twins - they are attached at the hip even though they are going to different universities. They are two peas in a pod. They have so much fun together. They look out for each other. They dispense advice to each other. They shop together. They laugh and cry together. They expel heinous amounts of gas together. It has been so much fun - no, it has been a true JOY - to watch these two grow up. Here they are at the Cheesecake Factory. This was the time when California Surfer Chick ordered "the Chipotle Burger - but please hold the chipotle". We love to remind her of that :) Here they are "helping" with Thanksgiving last year. I think they were burning something. Here they are "doing the dishes" after our Thanksgiving feast. It's true: the Red Power Ranger has a great butt. This photo was taken when they saw each other again after being apart for nearly three years. So cute! And needless to say, these two have many adventures together. I am thankful for them both. They are not only awesome kids, they are awesome people. I love them with all my heart. And wish for them many, many more adventures together :)
I can't believe that last photo of Daniel. It absolutely melts my heart. What a darling, darling, little boy!!!