The optimist in me knew that for every unjust horror in this life, there was at least as much goodness. For every awful deed, there was a regular person just like you and I, quietly doing something to restore our faith in mankind. For every sorrow, somewhere there was at least that much joy and inspiration. There had to be. We just rarely heard about those moments because the media thrives on negativity.
Many years ago I had an idea to someday start my own magazine. It would contain nothing but true inspirational stories. Loads of them. Anyone and everyone could send in stories from all over the globe. I would print them into a magazine and distribute it to thousands of weary souls longing for something uplifting and positive in their lives. Knowing that yes, there was still good in the world, would nurture their optimism - would lighten the anvil's heavy load. I would name my magazine "Inspire-Optimist". Perfect! The thing I didn't know, was that someone had already created that magazine. "Guideposts".
"Guideposts Magazine" was launched in 1945 by the famous inspirational speaker and author, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and his wife Ruth Stafford Peale. An amazing couple, an amazing man - that is a post in and of itself. Dr. Peale wrote over 45 books, including the best seller, "the Power of Positive Thinking". The Guideposts organization in unified around this mission: "to help people from all walks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritual potential". I realize that's a huge mission. All I know is, after being such a long-time, faithful reader, I couldn't live life without Guideposts! The stories are beyond amazing, beyond touching. Average, ordinary people going above and beyond, rising to the occasion, stepping up to the plate, going the extra mile. Stories that are so inspiring, they constantly restore my faith in others, in the world, in God, and even in myself. Each little magazine is filled to overflowing with precious gems. So go check them out - they have a terrific website as well, and you can even sign up for daily inspirational posts via your e-mail. Click on the link - you'll be glad you did, I promise.
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