Laundry on track, kitchen finished, still have miles to go, but I'm on a roll (that rhymed - lol)... so I'm still in there fighting. One day at a time (right Vanessa?). Still hate my dishwasher, still hate dust and animal fur, still feel sorry for myself at times for being the only girl drowning in a house of testosterone...... but I am grateful I can usually find a silver lining as long as anything to do with a bathroom is not involved ;)
Thanks for all your adorable comments and e-mails and Tweets and Facebook blurbs :) I realize my readership took a hit yesterday and I risked losing any new readers I might have gained had I not been in such a state of mind! There is a part of me that hates appearing less than superhuman, but it doesn't bug me as much as it used to years ago. I've learned that sometimes it's more brave to be real than it is to appear superhuman.
And I never made it to the store so I never got my Ruffles! But I did eat a Cadbury egg ;)
Your kitchen looks fabulous! Oh, and I love Cadbury eggs! yum!
ReplyDeleteGood for you eating that egg! You deserved every bit of yummyness!!! Your kitchen looks perfect!!!