Finally! Sheesh! Here are the "after" results of my bookshelves project. Nothing earth shattering, but much more pleasant to look at than the nasty, unorganized mess that was bothering me so much. Remember how awful they looked a mere week ago? I hated waking up to it, and it made me sad that my lovely little quilt armoire sat in between such chaos.
My beloved Country Home magazines are all re-cataloged in much nicer holders. I found people to donate my other magazines to, as I decided that when something no longer brings you joy but becomes a burden, it's time to part with it. I also have plenty of storage for smaller items. The leather boxes on top of my shelves hold travel mementos, the leather covered "book" holds my many copies of Guideposts Magazine, I have 2 straw baskets and 2 pink metal sewing baskets as well.
I am not a person that loves a bunch of "stuff" for the sake of sticking it up on shelves. I can't stand clutter. I have strict qualifications for dust-worthiness, believe me. I only keep things around me that are useful, that I absolutely love looking at, or that have special meaning to me (or all three)
This handmade, hand-signed quilt block has much meaning to me, as do my Jean Stratton Porter books. You know who you are Joan Mockler :)
My all time favorite books, and The Eiffel Tower, of which I recently went to the top.
Some of the colorful antique croquet balls I collect, and a few felted balls from Australia.
I split my small photo albums up to make things a bit more interesting.
We bought this platter in Cambria on one of our anniversary trips.
This very old Scottie dog was the very first small quilted piece I ever purchased. It remains my favorite.
Here's the best aerial view I could muster, balancing on the Red Bed. It kind of gives you the whole picture. I know I'll change things here and there, but right now the balance looks pretty good. 
Probably the MOST popular thing I see on a daily basis ;)
I am so touched, Megan! I had a little heart tug this morning when I opened up your blog and saw my quilt block included as one of the treasured items on your bookshelf. It felt like I received a cyber hug from way across the country. I love you and I miss you. I am impressed by the outcome of the bookshelf project...very inspiring!
ReplyDeleteThey turned out great!!! Good job girlfriend! And I love the pics of your baby girls all curled up on your bed.... awwwww :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a new reader. Found you on a page lamenting Country Home's passing...sigh.I LOVED your bio so much that I had to join your readers! I could not believe how much we have in common. I also just cleaned my shelves...good job on yours!!!
ReplyDeleteI just love "your style" and your "wild" attitude toward life. I look forward to more fun posts.