My dear friend Joan knows of my ongoing love affair with color, and recently directed me to this video of Mr. Carle. While enjoying it's contents I learned that the 40th anniversary of his most famous book - the beloved Very Hungry Caterpillar - was coming up! Well, that anniversary is in fact, TODAY! Happy anniversary, Very Hungry Caterpillar and Mr. Carle! You have brought so much joy to countless people all over the world!
If you heart Eric Carle like I do, you simply MUST check out his BLOG! He writes it himself and it is seriously just about the cutest blog on earth. And did you know there is an actual Eric Carle Museum? Well there is! In Amherst, MA! Check it out as well - oh, would I ever love to go there someday.
We love Eric Carle's books, too! If you used "Google" at all today, they had a fun tribute to him as well.