Thursday, December 10, 2009


I know all of us think our dog/s are the most adorable dogs on earth - and they are. You all know how the sun rises and sets around my 2 dogs Luna and Angel. But sorry folks - this sweet baby HAS to be the most precious baby on the face of the earth. Such a random post, I know... I have resisted posting this pic sooo many times. It floats around the internet now and then, and every time I see it my bones disintegrate and the rest of me just melts into a pool of buttah. I received it again from my friend Tami last night, and it never ceases to reduce me to an overdose of cuteness. So take a few minutes to smile at God's precious little creature, and have a great day :)

1 comment:

  1. I happen to think that my Bella is the cutest ever, but I may have to reconsider after seeing this pic. So adorable. Don't tell Bella!
