Can you even believe it? Wow, December 1st! And I'm barely making it at that - it's almost over! I've been playing catch-up the entire day and the day really got away from me. But I was determined to wish you all a happy December 1st, as I myself am always so excited for the holidays to officially arrive :)
My birthday was yesterday - I can't believe I missed posting on my birthday! I still get as excited about it as if I were a kid :) But we were on the road all day returning from our Thanksgiving trip to see family and our oldest son. Not the greatest way to spend a birthday - driving through the seemingly endless butt ugly desert of Nevada, the 4 of us crammed in the cab of my son's truck... but we DID have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and birthday celebration before we departed. I sincerely hope all of you had a fantastic Thanksgiving as well! And you know I will post on our fun excursion ASAP!
But in the meantime, is this not the COOLEST Christmas tree??? I've been trying to catch up on Apartment Therapy's main blog all day today, between loads of laundry and whatnot, and I smiled mighty large indeed when AT San Fransisco blogger Molly Anderson reposted this tree from last year. I remembered it instantly because it had completely knocked my socks off! How fun to revisit it again - it was like seeing an old friend :) The original post came from Dutch artist Jane Schouten of All the Luck in the World.

So innovative, how she used all these tiny found objects and little keepsakes to turn into something so amazing! It's so fun to look at all the tiny details she used - the majority of these colorful objects have little to do with the holidays, and yet together they all end up making a crisp, modern, colorful tree on her bright white wall - so striking! As always, there is beauty in the details - it's the little things people!!!
Anyway, happy December 1st! My motor is officially running! Heh ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEG! Hope you had a great day and many more to come. The tree is awesome, I love all the details. You're awesome, too! xo, c