Sunday, December 27, 2009

Laughing All The Way

I know, I know... Christmas is over... but Sketchy Santas is so awfully, horribly, terrible... 
it's almost as good as People of WalMart and Awkward Family Photos put together... 

Here are a few repulsive photos for your viewing pleasure (?)

You may have to be like me and look with one eye only
(as if that would even remotely help avoid nightmares)

Some are funny and some are creepy and some are downright frightening!

This little cowboy is obviously very brave, because Santa looks like 
he's recovering from a broken face after a bar fight under all that cotton.

And it's a good thing this sweet little girl doesn't know what's holding her,
because it would probably scar her for life (I know it will me).
Made you look! Sketchy Santas :)
* all photos copyright of the original owners appearing on the Sketchy Santas site


  1. they are scary like the santa in christmas story! happy new year!

  2. Oh my goodness! Those Santas are so scary. What were they thinking?? Pretty funny!
