Wednesday, August 31, 2011


 So yeah... I'm just goofin' around making stuff...
 ... enjoying some flowers John got me :)
 ... loving this adorable soap container my cousin Shell sent me!
 ... taking pics of my new bread box...
... trying to stay out of trouble, but you know how hard that is!

And... working on more projects as my back starts feeling better! I've got some great before & afters coming up so stay tuned! :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

wearing the lampshade (aka: granny out... chic in)

As much as I love antiques - primitive country especially - I felt my house was on the verge of grannydom :/ A few years ago I began a granny sweep of everything I owned. Classic or unique pieces (quilts, wood furniture, etc.) were left to enjoy as always. Anything that looked like it could easily associate with a doily or granny-scented powder, needed to skedaddle along it's merry way, or be turned on it's ear by being updated. My bedside lamp, above, is the latest project in throwing caution to the wind.    
It all started years ago when I saw this GINORMOUS floor lamp by Jonathan Adler. It was so exaggerated yet so creatively fun, I just loved it. I loved how it took an older design like a turned wooden lamp base, and forced it into something modern yet still functional. That design remained in the back of my head, and I knew it was just a matter of time before I made my own version of it with my bedside granny lamp. 
I started the usual way, this time using a bright white lacquer that dried to a very hard surface. I used exactly one can, and then about half a can of high gloss acrylic top coat (optional) - just because I wanted as much sheen as possible.

 I decided to go with a simple drum shade to give it more of a modern impact. I nearly went NUTS trying to find one (!@#$%^&*) and ended up ordering from Lamps Plus online. Since there was a slight color variation in the white of the lacquer and the white of the shade, I decided to embellish the top and bottom of the shade with some VERY fun cloth ribbon I have been saving. 
I used a hot glue gun to tack the ribbon down about every 5 inches. I also decided to take this ribbon to the very edges of the shade, instead of leaving a small band of the shade showing as I did in a PREVIOUS LAMPSHADE PROJECT. It just looked better that way somehow.
Then I folded the ribbon over to make a nice flush seam where the seam of the lamp shade was, and hot glued that down as well.
 Yippee! It looks very cool and I am happy with how it turned out!

~ final outcome: granny out... chic in ~
Now THIS, my friends, is what we call updating an old style into something fresh and modern! I realize you can't do it with all granny stuff - and that most true antiques should be left as they are - but I'm really happy with how this project turned out!
The reason I decided to use the ribbon I did, is because it's fun colors match the retro table cloth of "American Vacationland" hanging above my bed. For my next project, I will be attempting to turn this retro tablecloth into a headboard. Yes, you heard me correctly. Attempting a headboard. Without a net :/ Oh! The little lamp on the right side got a cheerful new lampshade too. Embroidered, folky-looking flowers - inexpensive, from IKEA.

Happy Happy :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

the haps

 In between the usual blog posts about projects and boys and life, all kinds of happenings have been going on around here. One of the funnest things was a mysterious package that arrived from Singapore. And look what was inside! A tiny chocolate bar?! Now, why would I have ordered just a few bites of milk chocolate all the way from Singapore? Well.....
 ..... because LOOK! That tiny chocolate bar is actually an 8gb USB flash drive for my computer! HAH!!! Is that the cutest thing or what?! I had so much fun picking it out - but boy, was it hard to choose! I found everything from diet Coke bottles to peace signs to ladybugs... and everything in between (much of which shall not be mentioned here and yes I'm still in shock :-0 )
 So here it is in action, as I'm filling it up with photos to be printed out elsewhere. I *LURVE* my little chocolate bar! AND... look what John got me! A *PINK* silicone keypad to go over my laptop keys! TOO COOL! I've scored big time in fun gadgets :)
 So getting back to all the comings and goings around here... you can see there have been a LOT! And right in the entryway seems to be the place where everything is immediately dumped :/
 One coming/going we were excited about in a bittersweet way, was Davy & John's buddy Darren (far right) leaving to study in SPAIN for 6 months! So I had to sneak in a pic of him on movie night as we were watching Pinnochio... much to Davy's annoyance (hehehe). Have an AMAZING time Darren - we love you! :)
 Now, with all the testosterone around here, you have to realize that things can get competitive. The ping pong games/tournaments/ceremonies we've had over the years are legendary. There has been a LOT of arse-whooping here lately :-0
 Well. You know how picky I am about straws. One terrific thing about adult children who love Wendy's, is that when my supply of straws is low, they are more than happy to replenish it for me!
 Not to mention they will also go to the store for me if my diet Coke supply is down. Looks like we're gonna play Bowling With Coke doesn't it! LOL! I have to stick up for myself though, and say that my diet Coke consumption has gone down a lot, and it's NOT JUST ME who drinks it either! Just sayin!
 And now that the Mouse is back in school, he is back to his favorite pastime during classes... drawing tribal designs on his hand and arm instead of listening intently like he should be :/ A few days ago he came home with his entire ARM covered! The worst part is... I have to admit, it does look really cool :/
Last but certainly never least... my beautiful church girls :) More comings and goings in their lives (and tears in my eyes) as the oldest ones - my precious girls in the back row - leave for college and start their adventures. I know every single one of them will make the world a better place, because that's how awesome they are! I love you ALL! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

boy joy

 Davy, 20... Matthew 15... Daniel 25
I am happiest when all my boys are together :)

John too! :)
I knew it.....
 ..... weirdies.....

 Awww..... Luna! :)

Matthew - first day of school - August 18th, 2011 
Sophomore year - Hart High - almost 16

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

flower power

So. Silk flowers. FAKE flowers. The numero uno rule to never break... THE biggest home decor mistake you can ever make!!! I have always obeyed this rule faithfully and never even been tempted to put FAKE flowers in my house! EW! But I got an idea...
I had seen these big, puffy, fake, PINK gerbera daisies at Urban Home. I liked the fact that instead of TRYING so hard to look real, they were just what they were. Cute. But in desperate need of improvement, and YELLING for me to help them! 
I went and bought some felt and buttons at Joanne's. And you know how I hate going there even more than the post office, so I really must have wanted to do this project. 
 I cut out felt discs and played with them and the buttons until each one had a bit of pink and looked pretty good. Then I used pink thread to sew each button onto it's stack of felt.
~ POOF! ~ 
And then my Energizer Bunny friend Lauren came over and glue-gunned those suckers onto the pink flowers so fast my eyes were still spinning as the glue gun cooled down! HEHEHEHEHE :D (she also proceeded to stick pins into my voodoo doll in all kinds of alarming places... but I shall not elaborate on that as this is a mostly family friendly blog)
Look at cute they are! Now they're not fooling anyone - nor are they supposed to. They're 100% fake and proud of it! And fun, and happy, and cheerful :) 


Monday, August 22, 2011

past blast

Hi everyone - I hope you all had a terrific weekend! There were lots of shenanigans going on around here, that's for sure. And I will report on them throughout the week. For now I have something awesome to show you. I'm very fortunate to still be in contact with some very dear friends that I've known nearly my entire life.   
 One of my nearest and dearest friends is Annie. We've known each other since we were 7 years old. I love her so much. We see each other as often as possible, but never often enough. She is one of the most wonderful people in this world. It's people like Annie that make this weary world a better place. 

Annie and I met for lunch recently and she gave me a great gift - one that she has had for many years and wanted to pass onto me: Our 6th grade graduation photo - all 4 classes. Pacific Palisades Elementary School. It was AMAZING to see it after so many years! 
 You may have to click on each photo to make them bigger, but I bet it won't be hard to find me - and Annie too. In fact, I'm positive several more of you blog readers will find yourselves as well, hehehe :D
Thank you Annie, for all the gifts you constantly give of yourself.
 And...... if you want to find out what I did with this lamp......
..... and what I did with these silk flowers...... 
then I guess you'd better keep checking back all week! 
Hehehehe :D