Wednesday, August 31, 2011


 So yeah... I'm just goofin' around making stuff...
 ... enjoying some flowers John got me :)
 ... loving this adorable soap container my cousin Shell sent me!
 ... taking pics of my new bread box...
... trying to stay out of trouble, but you know how hard that is!

And... working on more projects as my back starts feeling better! I've got some great before & afters coming up so stay tuned! :)


  1. You are just "Too Cool for School" Megan! Lucky girl to get flowers and I love that breadbox! Wow! I'm jealous of your day!

  2. i love the flowers, your scrabble (of course) and the bread box. what the heck is that!? i agree with bridget it looks awesome. feel better and enjoy your weekend! xo, c

  3. Hey! Love the pics (as always!) and the lamp you made over!! Thanks for the tip about Lamps Plus to find lamp shades. It was so fun seeing you and getting a chance to catch up! Hopefully I'll be down again soon so we can hang. Love ya!

  4. Thank you, thank you, my dear ones! Such kind words :) Well, your wish is my command: the first of next week I'll show you my cool bread box!

    And Bree... it was AWESOME to see you too! I'm sad I didn't get to see Ben - I have something I made for him - but it was wonderful to see adorable Miss E! Please come back soon - I would love to chillax with you more! xoxoxo
