Monday, September 5, 2011

bigger than a breadbox

Hey Gang! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day!
Many of you commented or contacted me about my new breadbox. It never ceases to amaze me, the things that catch everyone's eye! You wanted more so since I live to serve, I'm giving you more! First I will say that I have 2 of these boxes - one is smaller and nests inside the larger box.  
This is my old breadbox - which was an awesome breadbox for many years - I still *love* the fabric on the outside! But I will now repurpose it somewhere else around here. Holding firelogs, Luna's babies, magazines, toys, all my flip-flops... you get the idea. 
I found these boxes (and my old one too) at Home Goods. For some of you, your Home Goods may be shared with Marshall's(?) or TJ Max(?)... I can never remember which one. Our Home Goods is on it's own, which I like much better. Gosh, do I ever love that place! It took me a few years to warm up to it. The inventory changes all the time, so you have to go more frequently - and I've also learned the hard way that if you see something you adore, you'd better snatch it up.
Many of you asked what the boxes were made of - - - rolled magazine pages! Cool, huh? I love all the random colors. Over time I have picked up several other similarly made items from here and there. I've noticed the pages are usually from foreign magazines - mostly Asian - because I can't figure out one word anywhere! 
I keep Legos in the smaller box :) And the larger one - my breadbox - can hold a LOT of bread! At least 4 loaves, if not 5. Or, if you're our family, a loaf of whole wheat, a loaf of organic whole wheat with seeds, a loaf of sourdough, assorted tortillas, muffins, croissants, etc, and a large bag of bagels. Unless the bagels are from Dink's because those bagels are as big as my head.
 The *coolest* part of these boxes are how they're secured together! This is the underneath part of the lid. It's like a support system of heavy metal wire that acts as an anchor for the clear, heavy nylon fishing wire that weaves all the rolled paper together. And OHHH YES... these last 3 pics will definitely make it into my Zagg portfolio in the near future! 

One more example of how the little things really are the BIG THINGS! Something so simple bringing so much *cheer* into my life! LOVE IT! :)


  1. those are really cool- never seen any like that before! Great colours!

  2. ***Very*** cool... and I love that you keep Legos out... I want to remember to do that, too... great idea and icebreaker for guests!
    BTW... I use my Etch A Sketch, Barrel of Monkeys Collection, Pixie Sticks, and Shoot the Moon the same way. Guests love them!
    P.S. If you do not have a vintage 70's SHoot the must get one...your people would eat it up!
    Once, a kid said to me, "Is this how y'all entertained yourselves when you where in high school?" Ha Ha Ha

  3. As always, your kind and enthusiastic words always touch me and inspire me to think of more projects!

    And Bev, we also have boxes of cards to play with in the same container too. I find that some things never change and we are all kids at heart, who just wants to be carefree! ALL the boys' friends will play with the Legos while they're just hanging out. I love some of the old toys you mentioned (Barrel of Monkeys - YAY!) but I have NEVER heard of Shoot the Moon!!! I'm so going to check it out ASAP!

  4. I just love these!!! I will have to see if we have a Home Goods Or not I think we just have Marshall's and T.J. Max. But I am defiantly going soon!!! I need to try a new store anyway ha ha I love that you keep legos and other stuff in the small one other then just bread! I am looking for these from now on ha ha

  5. Thank you Bridget! I wish I were talented enough to have made them, but I do have a project in mind w/ rolled magazine pages that I'm hoping will turn out awesome! And if it does, I will share it - hahaha :D

    I looked at your sites - I *love* your crocheted rainbow swirly earrings! I have a t-shirt to match them perfectly!

  6. they are really cool and that last photo in particular is fantastic!
