Monday, September 26, 2011

iron men... and women

Saturday was time yet again for our church's youth triathlon.
Matthew decided about a week beforehand that he wanted to participate. 
Last year he participated in the mountain bike leg only -
this year he wanted to do the entire Iron Man
 BEST. KIDS (and leaders!). EVER. 
Modified Iron Man: swimming, 400 meters
mountain biking, 10k
running, 5k
Matt with Kimi Stevenson
He said the swimming leg nearly killed him -
but Kimi was a beast and blew everyone out of the water!
Matt's favorite category - and he was an ANIMAL, hehe!
 Matt hates running... but he's an AWESOME runner!
He lost time swimming, but made it up BIG TIME biking and running!
 Hmmm... one of the 4 times he puked...
... and looks like another shot before/after puking - LOL!
Matt with one of his good friends Calli Morris :)
Calli participated in the biking leg and she was FANTASTIC!
Matt with another good friend, Vanessa Munoz :)
Vanessa runs track and was AMAZING in the running leg!
 Matt came in FIRST PLACE!!! 
His overall time was 1 hour, 9 minutes
I can't even express how proud of him we were :)
And I must say, this came at the perfect time in his life - 
God is good, and knows every one of his children and what they need.

 This is seriously too cute for words -
the neighbors were so excited for him, they baked him a cake :)
We're so thankful for the leaders that plan such great activities,
and we're so proud of all the kids and leaders who participated.
And Matthew, we're so proud of you and who you are.

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