Monday, September 12, 2011

stuck in Lodi again

I found this cool milk bottle carrier at a local antiques mall. I hadn't been there in, gosh... forever! It's one of my favorite places, so I had really missed roaming around in there. Over the years, I've found a lot of cool things there. On Labor Day I drove Matty to the skate park to try out his sweet mountain bike - that's how I ended up at the antiques mall. I like to call these types of occasions serendipitous :) What's even more serendipitous is that it's from a dairy in the groovy northern California town of Lodi!
I had been keeping my eye out lately for a new flatware holder. I keep my flatware out on the counter instead of in a drawer. I know it may not look like much, but with it's 4 roomy sections and nice handle, this old milk bottle carrier had definite potential! 
But as it was metal, and my counter is gray, I would need to give it a little *ZING* so it wouldn't just get lost in my boring kitchen. I didn't want to risk losing the stamp that says "Blewett Dairy, Lodi" so I taped off that section and then spray painted the carrier with a few coats of cheerful red. It came out GREAT!
Next I added 4 French drinking jars (we use these as our every day glasses so they were on hand. You can find them at World Market, and they are inexpensive(!) I put the flatware in the drinking jars and - YAY! - a very simple project that looks ridiculously awesome :)
You could also use wide-mouthed canning jars and they would look great too. I'm so *happy* with my simple little project! Remember... it's usually the little things that bring us the most joy!
Happy Monday :)


  1. you should write a book with your great ideas, love this one, as always!

  2. Love it... looks fantastic. i use the same drinking them and love to put flat wear in them for buffet-style dinners....but i do NOT have a holder...need one like yours.
    Great creative idea!!!

  3. I had to read you post even though I don't plan on using it, lol I watch Sons of Anarchy and they mention Lodi all the time! I had to read a post about Lodi! ha ha Thanks It does look great!!!

  4. where's the like button? not only like, but LOVE! it turned out perfect. now i need to find myself one of those little dairy holders. :)

  5. Oh friends, you really DO rock my world! I'm definitely feeling the love! Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

    Yup, "Stuck in Lodi Again" is a Creedence Clearwater Revival song (you youngins might not know that!) :) And Paula, I think I was BORN to live in Alaska - anything above 70 degrees is like torture to me! LOL!

    Cindy, what you said totally made my day! I always think my ideas are a little goofy, but guess not(!)

    Bev! Of COURSE you have those same glasses! We're practically the same people living parallel lives! LOL! I could go on and on about that! :D

    Bridget - welcome back! And thanks for the kind words!

    Kelsi, Kelsi, Kelsi - you are just TOO CUTE!!! If I find one in my adventures I will pick it up for you! :)

