Monday, November 21, 2011

from handiwork to gnomes(!) in Ethiopia

 My friend Diana brought me a handmade, doily-like hot pad,
when she returned from her most recent trip to Ethiopia.
It had a tremendous amount of detail... so pretty (above)
 Diana told me she had met this woman (left, above)
who had little use of her atrophied legs,
but had become successful since given the opportunity
to participate in a micro-credit program.  
Now she is able to run her own business,
and sell her beautiful hand-made wares for fair prices.
She is showing some examples of her lovely work, above.
Diana is right behind her :)
My lovely hot pad - I will cherish it :)
Thank you Diana - xoxo
And now, for an Ethiopian oddity...
 Gnomes in Ethiopia! SERIOUSLY...
Diana saw these "gnomes" on a hotel lawn.
I said, "But that's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!".
Diana said she'd suggested that to the grounds people,
but they had NO idea what she was talking about. 
"GNOMES. GNOMES!", was their answer, hehe.
Ethiopian gnomes - I love it :)
Remember me talking about amazing Sister Donna
waaaaay back in May (here AND here)
and how she runs a girl's orphanage in Ethiopia?
And how the girls make beautiful rosaries to sell?
Stay tuned, cuz I'm *finally* spotlighting them,
and the site where you can purchase their rosaries!

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