Friday, November 4, 2011

ok so I lied

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm supposed to be taking a break.
But everyone needs to stop for a few minutes and watch this.
Grab your son or daughter, or niece or nephew, or neighbor kids...
and watch this together - and then pass it on to others.


  1. In our wednesday night student group which meets at the Kinleystead, we have a tradition called 'Brick House'. We have a brick which is painted with "1Thes 5:11' which says: Encourage one another and build up one another.

    We tell our students that a brick can be used to throw and destroy or to build something. So, someone stands in front of the group holding the brick, waiting patiently for someone to come and get the brick. Once the brick is received, the second person has to chose another person in the group to build up. And, we are no allowed to say superficial things like, "You have the best hair.' of "I like your teeth."

    It is cool when the brick holder is done and has to wait patiently for someone to 'rescue' them because it puts pressure on the group for someone to go next. It takes a while for people to learn the skill of building up another person, but once they catch on... it is incredible!

    Thanks for sharing this video.

    P.S. FYI: "Brickhouse" was one of my favorite songs in college...ha ha.

  2. this really was beautiful. thank you for sharing it.

    it brings tears to my eyes knowing my own fears and self-conscious concerns and then when i think about my own sweet babies and how someday they will struggle with those same issues--- it breaks my heart for them already.

    how do we teach our children (and ourselves) to always remember they are beautiful children of god? how can we make sure they never forget it and remember that others are too?

    middle school (& high school) are such an awkward stage for everyone and it seems to be when kids forget all those things they've been taught and instead listen to their peers.

    i pray that my own children will KNOW and never forget that we are all children of god with unique personalities and abilities... all equally beautiful.

    thanks again, megan, for sharing... and being my inspiration. xoxoxo
