Monday, October 8, 2012

even MO summa - the Block PAR-TAY

(this is a VERY long post with TONS of photos so don't say you weren't warned)
We'd been talking about it on and off forevrrrrr, and since the date of the boys' departure was looming, we wanted to have it before they were gone! We were sadly missing a few who were out of town, but we still had a WONDERFUL time! Our little end of the culsdesac is small but mighty! Some of the very best people on the face of this earth! The attendees were as follows:

* the Fellbaum Family! (affectionately known as the F-baums)
* the Berndt Family!
* the Alunni Family!
* the Walker Family! (well that's obvious)
* our friends (and part of John's band) Darryl and Evan Mardirossian!
* our friends the Sanchez Family!
* our friends John, Taylor, Whitney, Liam, and Henry!

 Everyone took turns at the grills including Matty who did all the hot dogs
 Katie, Whitney, Claire, Tom, and Bree
Sanchez fam on the right - thanks for coming!
 Davy's band started off the entertainment (with John Sanchez and Henry Webster)
 this was actually the last time they ever performed together (sniff)
John Sanchez
 I know Liam..... we all have to deal with it :/
There we go - much better :)
 Whitney and Matty giving Luna treats :)
 Dan and Claire Fellbaum
 Bree and Tom
 Next came John's band (with Darryl and Evan Mardirossian)
They played for a long time and it was great entertainment
The best baby on the block and anywhere for that matter! Sweet Ava :)
Ava was the band's biggest fan by far :)
 As always, the ping pong table was popular
Davy, Taylor, Liam, and Daniel
 We gave everyone a little Walker harmony too (see? Ava loves music!)
 It's always so awesome to me, to sing with my boys :)
Especially when Davy will do it without getting mad, hehe :)
 Aw, I love this pic! Cammy holding Ava :)
 the Mouse treated us to some awesome entertainment as well
His own rendition of "Blackbird" is especially terrific!
And THAT, my friends, is how a block party is done :)

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