Tuesday, October 30, 2012

um..... Halloween porch?

Well. Everyone keeps asking me about my Halloween porch.
My super amazing Halloween porch that I create every year and everyone loves!
 Let me put this very delicately: there is NO Halloween porch this year!
None. NADA!
 So basically all I'm showing you is my cleaned off porch..... because it was NASTY.
But alas..... no Halloween decorations. 
I didn't have it in me, kids.
I just didn't. 
 Shell even came to visit and said she'd love to help me! She tried hard to convince me!
Nope. I just couldn't. 
But hey - we did find this super cool peace sign :)
(*YES* I'm still going to post on Shell's visit! And lots of other fun stuff too! Keep yer dang pants on!)
This is seriously our door mat. Like for reals. I know, I know. 
Next year friends, next year.


  1. I love it so much. Will Luna eat those beanies? Luigi has a "stuffedy" fetish as we call it.

  2. Hehe, Luigi - so cute :) Luna will chew on her babies, use them as pillows, and she will very carefully choose one to offer each time someone comes over. She's very funny about her babies :D
